"Let's go, Taylor," I said standing up to leave.

(Just in case you didn't catch on, this was Alexa POV)


I was now totally convinced that I took a long break off from work, well just physically. I do work from home in my office of course. It was currently morning time and I was getting ready for work.

"Where are my damn keys," I mumbled looking around the livings room. It was a total mess with the girls' toys lying around all over the floor. They are both one and can say a few words here and there. I'm gonna miss spending time with them, they are my world and I wouldn't trade them for anything else. It has been 5 minutes and I still couldn't find my keys. So I decided to go ask Jordynn.

"Babe, have you seen my keys," I say leaning down kissing her cheek.

She pushed me away and buried her face into the pillow.

"Well have you?" I ask standing there.

She mumbled something then pulled the cover over her head.

"What I can't hear you," I said removing the cover.

"TUGGY." She yelled snatching the cover back.

Of course. Luna basically got sticky fingers, and whatever she gets prepare to go on a goose chase for it. I slowly walked into the girls' room and turned on the light. They were both still asleep which is good because Jordynn would kill me if I caused any commotion. I begin looking through their toys and clothes and still couldn't find them. As I turn around I see I see Luna looking at me giggling.

"You little crook." I then pick her up and kiss her cheek. "Where are my keys?" I asked bouncing her in my arms. She smiled and pointed under her crib.

Ah ha. I put her back in her crib and look under it, and there they were, along with other missing household items. I will remember to come back for them.

I groaned and got back up and to my surprise, Lydia was up as well. I leaned down and kissed her forehead as she wiped her eyes. Lydia was basically my other half. I love both girls but Lydia wasn't as stubborn as Luna and she was always seen stuck to me everywhere I basically went. Everywhere.

"I gotta go, work girls, I love you."

They looked so heartbroken that I was about to leave. I don't blame them I'm a cool ass dad. Seeing my face on a daily routine and now me going back to my usual self will be hard to adjust to. As I made my way closer to the door their cries got louder. Jordynn was gonna kill me.

"Girls shhh momma is still asleep." That didn't work they just continued to jump and slap at their crib railings. "Dada."
I couldn't take it anymore I picked them up and walked to my room.

"Babe, wake up," I said placing them on the bed.

She groaned and looked over at me and the girls.

"What the hell did you do?" She glared at me as if she was basically going to snatch my head off.

"I kinda started a war zone with the girls. I went to go get my keys and they both woke up, and started crying." "I'm sorry love I'll make it up to you, somehow, I promise."

She groaned and reluctantly got up glaring at me. "You're lucky your mom is coming over today." She said grabbing the girls and pulling them under the covers to cuddle. They loved their mom especially when it can to cuddle time. It was just something about her presence that made everything so peaceful. It was something I got used to and will truly miss.

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