She gave me one last hug and smiled.
"It was nice seeing you too."

I walked back onto the court, sitting next to Kai.
"You brought two bags?"

He turned to me as I grabbed a handful out of my bag.
"I knew if I didn't, then you'd just eat all of mine."

I slightly pushed him.
"Not true!"

"Remember when we went to the movies to see-"

"The Incredibles 2." I chuckled, thinking back to the time we sat in a movie theater full of toddlers and preteens.

"Yeah and you ate all my popcorn then fell asleep in my arms.."

I smiled.
"That was one time!"

"I have plenty more examples of that babygirl." He smiled, placing his arm around mine.


I dribbled the basketball out of the tunnel with Jayson following behind me.

"You ready man?" He asked, shooting he basketball up with ease.

I nodded.
"Yeah. I know we can win this easily."

He nodded and smiled.
"I like the confidence Uncle Drew."

I smiled and looked over to see Kehlani walking from the tunnel with Amour in her hands. I raised an eyebrow and walked over.
"What are you doing here?"

"We just wanted to see you. Is something wrong with that?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I sighed. I didn't mind Amour being here, but Kehlani too...I didn't want the media to get any ideas..
"No. I just..I didn't know you were coming.."

She nodded and smiled, kissing my cheek.
"Good luck."

I nodded, walking back out onto the court.

Jayson raised an eyebrow.
"You and Kehlani..I thought she was just your baby-"

"Baby momma? Yeah. She is."

"That's not what it looked like." He chuckled.

"I don't..I don't know how to tell her that I want to be platonic. Every time I hint at it, it goes right over her head."

He nodded.
"I understand."

I completely forgot that he had a son..

"How are you and your-"

"Platonic." He smiled. "We had something in the past but we both agreed that we weren't right for each other. You have to be straight forward. She won't know until you tell her straight on."

I nodded and looked across the court as I noticed a familiar laugh ring from one of the court-side seats. My jaw almost dropped as my eyes landed on one person, a person I hadn't seen in over a year...Paris...
My eyes stayed glued to her as I watched her laugh and kiss some guy she was sitting with. She looked so radiant. Like she was in love. She looked about the same, a little bit curvier, she had also gotten streaks of color in her curly, black hair. She looked beautiful..

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat