"Okay since you want to gloat give the phone back to your girlfriend."

He chuckled.
"Bye P!"

"Bye Kev."

Shaniya chuckled.
"Ah, I have to go but I'll call you back later all right?"

"All right."

"Bye! Love you girl!"

"Love you too." I smiled, ending the call.

I spent the rest of my break, scrolling through Instagram and the explore page. While scrolling, I came across one of Kehlani's posts.

kehlani: My little mini me is starting to act more like her dad everyday❤️😂@kyrieirving

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kehlani: My little mini me is starting to act more like her dad everyday❤️😂@kyrieirving

I rolled my eyes and exited out of the app as my coworker came in.

"Hey Jean." I smiled, sitting up.

"What's up girl?" She chuckled, plopping down on the couch next to my desk.

Jean was one of few friends I had made since moving to Boston. She was really nice and had made my experience here better.

"You about to leave?" She asked, closing her eyes.

"Yes ma'am. How long are you here til?"

"I still have six more hours to work before I can go and I'm already tired as ever." She yawned.

I chuckled.
"Well, you can crash here for like 10. I'm going to go visit Chanel anyways."

"Thank you girl. Tell Chanel I said hi." She said, yawning once more and slipping into a short nap.

Chanel was a 17 yr. old patient of mines and we had gotten close during my time here. She was going through chemo and her family lived in Chicago, they all needed their jobs to pay for the chemo, so she was normally here at the hospital alone, I was practically her hospital 'mom'.
I walked out of my office, careful to close the door so Jean wasn't caught taking her impromptu nap, and went upstairs to the third floor, where Chanel's room was. I walked in and she smiled as I sat next to her.

"Wassup girlie." I smiled.

She smiled back.

"Have you heard from Jake?" I asked, curious about her boyfriend back in Chicago.

"Nope." She sighed, leaning back and turning to me. "He's being an asshole. We got into an argument."

"Over what?"

"Stupid teenage stuff." She mumbled. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?"

I chuckled and nodded.
"Yeah..I have."

"Were they ever assholes?"

"Aren't they all?"

She chuckled and I gave her a small smile.

"You always go through a couple of bad ones to get to the one that's right for you." I said, placing my hand in hers.

"Have you ever been in love?"

I nodded.

"With who? Was he cute?" She asked, genuinely curious.

"Yes. He was very cute."

"Do you have a picture?"

I sighed.

"I want to see."


She nodded again.
"Unless he's ugly."

"He is not." I said, finding a picture and showing her.

She gasped.
"Kyrie Irving!?"

"Yeah. Shocked?"

"Yeah. Shocked that you landed someone like him."

I chuckled and gasped.
"Shut up!"

"Are you guys still together?"

"Uh, no...we broke up..you don't keep up with basketball stars huh?"

"Nope. Not unless they're on the Bulls atleast..so how did you guys break up-"

"Chanel! Hon, it's time for your chemo." The other nurse said, standing in the doorway patiently.

"Saved by the bell." I sighed.

She smiled and rolled her eyes.
"You got lucky."

I gave her a small smile back and kissed her hand.
"Good luck."

"Thanks. You'll be here tomorrow?"

"Of course girl."

She nodded and stood up, walking out. I sighed and got up also, heading to clock out and gathering my things. As I walked out, Kai was here to pick me up.

I smiled as I got in and kissed him.
"Hey. Thanks for picking me up."

He smiled and started the car.
"No problem. You working tomorrow night?"

"Nope. Morning shift, thank god. Why?"

"Me. You. Celtics game. Courtside. 8' o clock. What do you say?"

My stomach slightly fluttered as one realization hit me. Kyrie.
"Wow. Celtics game?"

He nodded, still looking for an answer and before I could give it a second thought, I nodded.
"Yes. I'd love to go to the game with you." I said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

This is going to be fun...

Rekindle; {Kyrie Irving, Sequel to Crash}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt