"So is this your first award show?" Camila asked.

I nodded, "Yeah I'm kind of nervous."

"Well there's really nothing to be nervous about. We just have the red carpet and then that's it. I promise it's not nerve wrecking." She said trying to comfort me.

The elevator doors then open and we walked down the hallway. We got to her door and she opened it with her room key. We walked in and I seen a bunch of people in her room. From designers to makeup artists.

"Hey everyone this is one of my best friends Avelyn. She is my plus one and needs to be pampered." Camila told them.

I said hi to all of them before they went to work. They started on my hair and makeup before giving me my dress. I liked the simplicity of how I looked, I wasn't as glammed as Camila. Once we were done we were told it was time to head out.

"I feel important." I whispered to her as we walked side by side.

One of Camila's bodyguards was following behind us and the other was in front. When she heard what I said she laughed.

"That's cause you are Avelyn." Camila told me with a smile.

We then headed down to the lobby of the hotel. We managed to get out and soon were hit with a bunch of flashing lights from photographers. Camila would strike a pose here and there as we walked to our car. I couldn't help but smile and laugh, she really was someone who couldn't careless who was around her.

Once we got in the car we headed over to the venue where the awards were being held. Right as we pulled up she looked at me.

"You know Shawn's here right?" She asked me.

Just by hearing his name my heart started to race. But I didn't want to let her know.

"Yeah of course he'd be here. Camila were still friends it's not like we avoid each other." I told her.

She nodded, "Yeah I know but it's not like you both have been in the same room since you broke up."

"Thank you for being concerned but I'll be fine." I told her with a smile.

She nodded, "Just wanted you to know."

We then carefully got out of the car and heard Camila's name being called. She looped her arm with mine as we made our way across the red carpet. We pulled apart when she had to stand in the middle to get her pictures taken. As I waited I started to hear my own name being called. I was confused because I was no one really big to have gotten my name called let alone picture taken.

Camila looked over at me and waved me over. I carefully walked over to where she was standing and we took pictures together.

"Camila over here! Avelyn in the middle! Girls look over here!" Was all I heard being shouted.

"See you're a natural." She told me.

"How do they know me?" I asked her as we moved away.

"You only dated one of the biggest pop stars. But trust me when you get bigger on youtube you'll be known for that." She said.

I nodded, "Right forgot about that."

"Camila! Avelyn! Come here you two gorgeous girls." A interviewer said.

We both smiled as we walked over to where she stood in front of a camera and fans. They screamed for Camila and I even heard my name shouted here and there.

"Okay I have to say you both look incredibly gorgeous!" The interviewer told us.

We smiled, "Thank you!" We both said at the same time which made us laugh.

"So Camila, you're performing tonight. Are you excited?" She asked her.

Camila smiled, "Yeah I'm a little nervous but nothing I can't handle."

"Of course we know you'll kill it tonight." She told her.

Camila laughed, "Thank you."

"So Avelyn, I take this is your first award show?" She asked me.

I nodded, "It is."

"Well welcome! You know when we heard you were coming we thought it would be on Shawn Mendes's arm." She said which caused the fans to abrupt in screams at the mention of his name.

I laughed, "Well I'm sorry to disappoint."

"We were all heartbroken to hear you two had split. We really loved you both." She told me.

"Yeah well things happen, but he's still one of my best friends so I'm sure you'll see us together here and there." I told her not really knowing how else to take these questions.

"Well we heard he's here tonight, he is performing. So can we expect a reunion picture?" She asked me.

I shrugged, "Who knows maybe."

The screams then got louder and the interviewer then looked around.

"Well speaking of the handsome devil." She said.

Camila and I both looked and Shawn was walking over. I suddenly felt like all my air had gotten sucked out of my lungs. He really did look really good at award shows or big events like these. I looked away from him and smiled at some of the fans waving at me.

"Hey guys!" Shawn said as he neared is.

"Hey Shawn we were just talking about you." The interviewer said.

Wow way to make things awkward by telling him.

"All good thins I hope." He said before hugging Camila.

When they pulled apart our eyes met and he walked over to give me a hug. I hugged him back and got a whiff of his cologne. We pulled apart but his hand remained on the small of my back.

"Well I guess now we have the reunion we wanted right here!" She said.

We then laughed, "Well we'll let you do your interview. We have to go do a couple more and find our seats. We'll see you soon Shawn." Camila said taking my hand in hers.

"Bye." I told him looking at him and giving him a smile.

He gave me the one I loved before telling us bye. He then turned his attention to the interviewer. I then looked away and felt like I could breathe again.

"Well that was awkward." Camila said as we walked down the carpet following other artists.

I laughed, "Yeah only cause the interviewer made it."

"This is going to be a long night." She said.

I looked back where Shawn was and seen him smiling. He then glanced my way and our eyes connected before he tore them away. I looked back at her and let out a sigh.

"You're telling me." I told her.

Authors Note//
It's been a while but here's an update
Let me know what you think
Until Next Time Peace Lovelies✌🏼💚

When You're Ready; Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now