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Ana's pov.

"Yes Ana, a lot of it is wrong." Nikita says in a more serious tone.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"You really need to talk with Kostya."

"I don't think I can. Not yet."

"Do you love him?"


"Do you love him? Just answer. Yes or no?"

I pause. Thinking. I can't lie, not again.
"Yes, I do love him."

"Great. Now you have to go to your house."


"You ask too many questions. Just go."


With that the call ends and I look around. Where is Melanie? She is still at work. I'm just going to leave her a note or something.

I wrote a small note and left it on the kitchen table. I go to my room and try finding something to wear. I put on some black long overalls and a plain black shirt on top. I look in the mirror. My frackles are showing again as my skin got more pale. And the color of my eyes is fading, they are a light gray at this point. It isn't odd for me, it's been happening since I was a child.

"Do I want to do this? I don't have to. Nikita wouldn't know..." I say to myself.
"No, I have to." I say once again and put on my glasses. And I leave the apartment.

Kostya's pov.

I was very nervous. Just waiting for someone to knock on that damn door.
"She probably won't come Citrus." I say looking at the cat. He just gave me a confused look and walked over to Pluto.

I got up from the couch and walked back upstairs and into Ana's office. It's been soo empty for the past couple of months. Nothing is as cheerful and happy without Ana.

Everything is silent, except for the pets. They seem to be talking to eachother, Citrus is meowing and then Pluto starts barking. And they do that a lot. Sometimes I feel like they are talking about me behind my back.

I look over at all the papers and notebooks on Ana's small table. She draws a lot. And every single drawing or painting is just beautiful.
Something catched my eyes, a small blue piece of paper. I turned it around and on it was a picture of Ana and me. And under the picture was a cute sentence:

"I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, all I know is that I love you and that I want you by my side. <3"

A small tear appeared in my eye and a smile crept onto my lips. And sudenly there is a knock on the door and I run back downstairs. Before opening the door I take a deep breath.
"Hi." I say opening the door.

Ana's pov.

"Hi." Kostya said after opening the door.
"H-hey." I studer a bit and enter the house. I went to the living room and sat down onto the couch. Kostya say down next to me.

"Do you think you can forgive me?" he asked looking at the hardwood floor.
"I already forgave you. I just can't forget it." I say, there still wasn't a trace of emotion in my voice.
"I don't get it. You forgave me, but you still can't be with me again?" he asks with a lot of confusion.
"Yes." is the only thing I say.

"Is there any way in which I can change your mind?" he asks, now sadness was in his voice and it showed on his face as well.

"Do you love me?" I said in a cold tone. Not a sense of emotion in my words.

"I d-do. I truly do." he says with a single tear falling from his dark blue eyes.

I smile a bit and look at him. In that second there was nothing in my mind except for him. I moved closer and slowly closed the space between us. He smiled into the kiss and so did I.

"So you are staying here?" Kostya asked as we broke the kiss.
"Yes and you won't get rid of me any time soon." I say and we both laugh a bit.
"Wall what do you think about going on a date? Later today. Around eight in the evening." He asked and I nodded.
"Sure, sounds great." I say and we both smile like complete idiots in love.

Hello my people! I just couldn't let the story be sad for long, so I made it happy again.
Anyway there are two more chapters left for me to write/publish. And I truly hope that you all will like the story.
Love you all! And I'll see you in the next chapter.

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