After A few minutes of arguing we left the place, Niall had to ask if they could get the food for take out cause he didn't want to waste the food.

"What happened?" Zayn chuckled once we left.

"The waitress accused Hannah of the incident" Monica explained.

"Ohhhh," All the boys said in unison.

"You ok?" Harry asked while intertwining our hands together.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I smiled as I looked at our hands wrapped together.

"You've got to admit, that was hilarious" Louis blurted out.

Everyone stopped walking and looked at each other before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Anyone saw the chicks face when Adela slapped her?" Niall gasped for air.

"C'mon, let's go back, I'm starving" I giggled as we all decided to go back to Adela's apartment.


Harry's P.O.V

I had a feeling that what happened earlier at the restaurant was my fault. I mean, I knew that the waitress was flirting with me and I couldn't help but take a quick glimpse at her chest. I mean, c'mon, they were practically in front of me, and besides I spotted Louis and Niall staring at it also.

When we waited for the girls to return back from the bathroom, the waitress asked each of us for autographs and a picture. Once we finished, she quickly slipped me her phone number. I looked at the piece of paper and quickly crumbled it up. There was no way in hell I was gonna hit on that chick.

I mean, she was fit and all, those were the type of girls I used to go for, but that was before I met Hannah. I was not gonna take the risk and ruin our relationship again. We just got back together and I was not gonna mess up again.

So, basically, we just got back at Adela's flat and we just finished eating dinner.

I was absolutely knackered from all the walking we did today.

"Ok, I'm off to bed!" Zayn announced as he yawned.

Everyone else nodded and quickly changed into their Pj's.


"Hannah?" I asked.

Everyone else was now sleeping and Hannah and I decided to share the guest bedroom.

"Mmmh, what?" She mumbled.

"Your, your not mad are you?" I bit my lip.

She turned around so that we were now face to face.

God she was so beautiful. She didn't have any makeup on and she still looked absolutely stunning.

"Why would I?" She asked.

"With what happened earlier" I chuckled while scratching the back of my neck.

"No, of coarse not! Your a guy, it's in your blood to be attracted to boobs" She giggled.

I started laughing, I quickly covered my mouth when I realized that my laughter was echoing.

"Sorry!" I said.

"Don't be" She assured me.

"You know, It's quite funny actually" I chuckled.

"What is?" She asked.

"Remember at Paul's wedding? When I spilled my water all over your dress and it made it visible for us to see your bra?" I chuckled.

"Ohh, gosh! Yes, that was absolutely embarrassing!" She giggled.

After a few minutes of laughing, we finally composed yourself. I looked at her, admiring her beautiful eyes and perfect shaped lips. I placed my hands around her hips and pulled her closer so that our bodies were now inches apart.

Caressing her supple cheek, I lifted her chin so that I could get a better view of her gorgeous eyes. Our noses almost touching. I could feel the warmth of her breath brushing the top of my lip. I slowly closed my eyes as I felt her soft and tender lips crash into mine.

"I love you." I smiled as we parted away.

"I love you more" She smiled while wrapping her hands around my neck as she kissed me gently.

It took me a while to know what was going before I kissed back. I snaked my hands so that it was around her waist.

The soft gentle kiss gradually turned into a deep passionate kiss.

"Goodnight!" She giggled as she pulled away before the kiss could go deeper.

"Your such a tease" I chuckled.

I kissed her forehead as I watched her slowly closing her eyes. I was about to fall asleep when I heard my phone go off.


"Shit!" I whispered.

I quickly looked at Hannah to see if the noise woke her up. I let out a relieved sigh as she was still sound asleep. A smile danced it's way towards my lips as I watched my beautiful girlfriend sleep peacefully.

I stretched my arm out to get my phone that was resting on the bed-side table. It was a text, from Paul.

From: Paul

We have an emergency! You lads are in deep shit!


Dan dan daaaaaaaaan!

Cliffhanger sucks! I know, lol but it was part of my plan for the next chapter I have in store you you lovely's next;) lol. Everyone loves a good drama right?

WOOP WOOP! You guys are incredible! :') I've been receiving tons and tons of such nice comment and tweets about my story! I love you guys soooo much!

Stay tuned for what happens next!

Follow me on twittuh! ---> Harrehs_Dimples

And kik me guise! I'd love to get to know some of my lovely readers:D ---> Harrehs_Dimples

Bye my lovely's! Xx

If I Only Knew (A One Direction - Harry Styles Fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon