Loving Me When She Was Still Your Wife

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-Tatiana's POV-

Freezing in my tracks, I pictured my beautiful three children. Aaliyah, Jackson and Tia. My babies. Each looking like me and their father. Jeff - my husband.

Then looking up at Michael, I hurriedly answered him in fear that he'd not trust me again.

"Of course you can." Smiling nervously, I sat next to him.

He smiled and hugged me as I closed my eyes.

I began thinking to myself. How in the world am I going to get my three children over here when I know how protective Jeff is over them? I'll find a way.

~Next Day~

Waking up in the arms of my husband, I smiled and kissed his forehead. He turns over lightly and grips my waist as he pulled me on top of him. Trying not to wake him up, I gently slide out of his arms and quickly shower. Once I finish, I put on some lotion and find something dressy to wear. I slide on my black dress pants with my white flats and a white sheer blouse.

Letting my hair loose, I then comb it, getting the kinks out. I then grab my detangle brush and brush my loose curls downward so they fall perfectly around my shoulders.

Hearing laughing, I smile and head to Aaliyah's room. All three are dancing and laughing with each other .

"Alright cutie pies, let's get ready for the day :)"

They all gave me a good morning hug and kiss and began finding something to wear.

I went downstairs to prepare breakfast.

~2 hours later~

Jeff had gone to work and the kids were traveling in the cab with me. I heard my beeper go off in my purse. Reaching for it, I concluded that Michael had paged me the infamous number. 59. I knew it was time.

The cab stopped and we were at the familiar destination. The coffee shop. My favorite place.

Paying the cab driver, I got out first and waited for my little ones to file out.

"Momma I'm thirsty. :c" said Jackson as he stared up at me.

I nodded and kissed his forehead as we walked into the coffee shop.

Before I even looked to see if Michael was there, I ordered Jackson a small vanilla milkshake.

Then hearing that familiar voice as I payed the clerk, I turned and saw a surprised and happy Michael.

"Well hello there. Wow, they're beautiful." he said in excitement.

-Michael's POV-

I couldn't believe my eyes. They were so beautiful. I greeted each of them with a hug as Tatiana introduced me.

As she handed Jackson his drink, we walked to the table I was sitting at.

"So what are your names?" I asked them. They each grinned and began talking.

"Aaliyah." the oldest girl said.
"Jackson." The boy said.
"Tia." the baby girl said.

They seem so intelligent to be so young. But from the looks, they ARE so young. Maybe the thing about her not being with the father is a lie.

I shouldn't doubt her just yet. I mean, I asked her to see her children and not once did she show nervousness like she didn't wanna do it. I have to trust her.

-Later that night-

The kids were sound sleep in my guest room as me and Tati stared at them. So beautiful. I grabbed her hand and kissed it gently as I caressed her back. I shut the door before continuing and pushed her against the wall. Leaving wet kisses on her neck, she stopped me.

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