Chapter 7

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Finally I'm in NYC I can't be happier knowing I'm with Nash and the guys. I wake up and put my hair in a well done bun and I put on a cute skirt with a long sleeved crop top but the skirt was kinda long so it covered up my stomach. The crop top was grey and my skirt was black and I put on so short black boots. As you can tell all my clothes is pretty much grey and black. I get out of my hotel room and I went to Nash and the boys room. (I'm in a room with my cousin Danielle which agreed to stay with me) I knock on the door and 5 seconds later they open the door.

"Hey Emily you look beautiful" Cam says

"Thanks Cam!" I say blushing

"Nash!!" I say running to him giving him a hug

Blah blah they got dressed and we went out in NYC. I didn't kiss him because well it was weird after the hole "Kara" thing. We visited pretty much every where we had lots of fun and I bought some new stuff like cute bows and clothes. I'm not girly but I'm in to that hole bows and skirts but only like Perrie Edwards from Little Mix type.

We went back to the hotel and Nash followed me to my room. We stood in front of the door to say good bye.

"Listen I know you still don't believe me of the hole Kara thing but were over I love you Emily" he says looking me into the eyes

"I love you more!' I say not being that believable cause I don't want my heart to broken again

He then kisses me on the lips passionately and well I kissed him back. And we say bye then i enter my room and he leaves to his.

"Hey love" Danielle says

Danielle as you know is my cousin she's British and she's a dancer she used to be with Liam Payne from One Direction but they broke up.

"Hey Dani" I say jumping on my bed

"What's up with you did some one break your heart" she says sitting on my bed and touching my hair which now is loose

"No..... hey how are you with Liam" I say changing the subject

"Well um we see each other because of our dog Loki but well he has his girl and well I moved on" she says sadly

I could tell in her tone of voice that she misses him a little he was amazing I met him once he's so sweet.

I then take a shower and well sleep cause that's how I am.

In the morning I wake up at 9:00 and get dressed because I'm going out with Danielle. I put my hair half up and half down I put a bow on and a tight skirt that was red with black poke a dots and a shirt that was white and it had suspenders on the skirt. I'm not copying off of Ariana Grande my mom bought me this.

We head to the city and we met up with her friends and we had a blast we went to eat so I went on twitter. I posted a pic of me and Danielle with the caption as:

Hanging with my love!!!!

Which I got 1K favs and rt and some one commented

"You and Nash suck as a couple your only there cause you want fame!!!"

It was a stupid comment so I ignored it. We ate and went to the movies we had a lot of fun but it was 1:00 in the morning so we head back. Danielle heads directly to the room but I walked really slow because I was thinking about Nash. I then bumped into some one.

"Oh my gosh so sorry omg I'm so clumsy" I say picking up the things he dropped

"It's ok love I don't mind bumping in to you" the man says with a British familiar accent

I look up to see Harry Styles my ex we dated secretly only for a week he turned into an ass so I broke up with him. (excuse my language)

"What the heck" I say angrily

"What your not happy to see me cause I am" he says with the dang smirk he has that makes anyone melt

"No I'm not your a jerk and you will be forever" I say leaving him with water in my eyes

"Wait hey!!" he says grabbing my wrist

"What leave me alone!!" I say running away to my room

I then enter the room and I close the door as fast as I could.

"Hey what's wrong??" Nash says

"Oh great sorry Nash I can't talk right now" I say rushing to take a shower

I finished and when I got out Nash had left already and Danielle was there with her arms crossed and with a scary look.

"Hey Dani how have you've been good great aha" I say trying to ovoid her

"Yeah no tell me what happens why did you ignore Nash why were you crying" she says worried

"I saw Harry again and well I ignored Nash cuz I don't want to deal with him and I was crying cuz I..." I say answering back

"Oh babe come here your life gets harder every day" she says pulling me into a hug


Oooooo harry be coming in sorry if its too short but I was bored so I wanted to make you happy😊

Comment somebody that can play as -> Andrew

What do you think so far? Leave a comment and vote please make me happy😭😏😊

Twitter- @ashley58561707

Insta- @nashs_monkey

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