Chapter 3

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I wake up to feel 4 body's on me I can tell that they were Carter, Cam,Hayes and Nash.

"WAKE UP!!" they all say at the same time

I open my eyes for they can get off of me and I get up to brush my teeth.

"Finally she's awake my gosh how long does it take for a girl to get up!!?"Cam says

"Shut up!" I say while brushing my teeth

After that craziness I change into a one peace that is blue with short black pants because I don't like to show that much skin. I let my hair loose and I put my black sandals on. And I put on a white T-shirt just until we get there. I rush down stairs to see all the boys on there phones.

"Good morning boys!!" I say doing the superman pose

"Good morning lazy!!"Nash says

"Aww thank you so much for giving me that title!!" I say bowing down

They just laughed and kept going on their phones so just decided to eat something. I get a sandwich with orange juice because why not. After I finished eating I go back upstairs to get my stuff. I grab one of my bags and I put extra clothes just in case, sunscreen, little bottles of shampoo and conditioner just in case and more stuff. When that was over we head to the car to go. After the long drive we are finally there. We get down and I grab my bag and head to the beach. We find a good place to sit down and I put a blanket for I can sit on it and the guys do the same. Of course all of the people their came up to them for they can take photos so I just sat there staring at the beach.

"Hi can I take a photo with you??" a girl with blonde hair says

"Sure.." I say confused

She takes the photo and runs of to Nash. That's weird but well she must of recognized me by Cam and Hayes posting those photos and videos.

"Emily!!" a familiar voice says

I look to see a guy with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Andrew!!" I say excitingly

Andrew used to baby sit me when I was little I don't know why because he is only 2 years older then me but well.

"Hey what are you doing here!!" He says

"Same as you I guess" I say

"Wow you have grown a lot I bet your like 50 already!" he says laughing

"You wish" I say also laughing

"You wanna go swim?" he says

"Sure" I say standing up

I guess the boys won't mind there to busy with their fans anyways. I take of my shirt and I follow Andrew to the water. It's so good seeing him again he was so fun to play with and to just joke around. We swim around and he splashes me and I splash him back. He comes up to me and he puts his arms around my waist.

"Baby your mine!" he says

I thought he meant it but then he just picked me up and threw me in the water.

"Well it was fun but I have to go now" he says getting out of the water

So I follow him out of the water.

"Here is my number just in case" he says

" Okay" I say

After that he leaves and I hang out with the boys.

"Who's that?? your boyfriend!" Carter says

"No he used to baby sit me!" I say

We played volleyball and went walking around. We left the beach and we decide to go home and watch a movie. I go home and wash my hair and I put on a white T-shirt and short pants. I go on twitter and see that I have 10k followers. I put my phone to charge and I sit on the bed. What if Nash really does like me hmm I'm so confused.

"Emily!" Nash says

"W-what!" I say frightened

"Don't get scared I just came to tell you that we made dinner!" he says

"Oh no that's not a good thing to hear.." I say putting my hand on my face

"C'mon!!" Nash says grabbing my hand and pulling me out

I couldn't help it I was blushing like crazy. Is this what it feels...

"Dinner is served!!!" Hayes says

"Oh wow sandwiches good job!" I say sarcastically

The sandwiches were pretty good I'm not gonna lie.

"I'm going to my room!" I say leaving

I sat on my bed refreshing everything that happened today.

My day was amazing I met a familiar face and Nash grabbed my hand what else can I ask for. I'm fangirling right now.

"You gonna watch the movie?" Nash says with only his head in the room

"Of course!" I say with a big smile


I know it was kinda boring😞

But she is finally realizing not to keep her feelings away😁😁

Anyways what do you think about Andrew should he ask Emily on a date or not. I mean I actually wanna see Nash get jealous haha😂😂

Anyways hope you liked it please vote and comment what you think!!

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