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After many rides, you decide to go eat something. Ian:"Do you want a kebab?" Emilia:"Yeah..." Ian:"Ok..." You walk to the both with a kebab. Ian:"Two kebabs please" Woman in the both:"It will be 15 dollars." You took out money and was about to pain but Ian stops you. Ian:"My treat..." Woman:"How nice boyfriend you have young lady." Emilia:"He-" Ian cuts you off. Ian:"Thank you..." He paid and you sat down on a bench beside to wait for food. Emilia:"Ian why did you do that?" Ian:"Do what?" Emilia:"She thinks we are dating..." Ian:"I didn't want her to be embarrassed... And whats wrong with me saying that?" Emilia:"We are not even dating..." Ian:"But we could." Before I could react he kissed me. first I was shocked but replied after a second.  You felt him smile into the kiss. He pulled away. Emilia:"I-Ian w-we know e-each other two days... " Ian:"Give me a chance... please?" Woman:"Ian and Emilia!" We walked took our food and thank her. You eat silently when your phone rang. Emilia:"Hello?" Hasley:"COME TO HOSPITAL JAMES HAD A CAR CRASH!" Emilia:"OMG! We are coming!" You hung up the phone. 

Emilia:"Ian James is in the hospital he had crashed!" Ian:"Let's go!" You two sprung to the place when taxies always stans. You sat into one. Ian:"To hospital fastest, you can!" Uber start driving I saw in Ian's eyes that he was scared and worried so I took his hand. Emilia:"He is gone be fine..." He looked into my eyes. then we were by the hospital you paid and you two sprang into there. You saw Hasley. Emilia:"Were is he?" Halsey:"They don't let me in it is the only family. they said nothing about him. Ian, please go ask I need to know..." Ian saw a doctor so he walked to him. Ian:"Do you know were James Charles Jeffery is placed?" Doctor:"Are you someone in Family?" Ian:"Yes I'm his brother..." Doctor:"He is in a coma right now and the best is if no one is visiting him in the next two hours..." Ian:"Ok Thank you..." You walked to him and hugged him you felt your shirt getting wet from his tears. Ian:"I-I c-cant l-lose h-him..." he breaks down. Emilia:"Shhhh... shhh..." tears started flowing from your eyes. Ian:"H-he c-cant d-die..." Emilia:"I-I know. I-I K-Know..." He hugs you tighter when he heard you crying. You two were crying in each other's arms. You didn't want to lose your best friend... he is too important to you. 

(Recommended to turn the music what is up there) That's when Doctor started to spring into James room screaming something. It hit you when someone screamed "WE LOSE HIM" Ian tried to come into the room but doctors didn't let him.  Ian:"NOOOO!". The doctor walked out of the room to Ian. Doctor:"We tried our best sir..." Ian:"No no NO!" Ian broke down. I run to him and hug him and began to cry my eyes out. Ian:"No no no no..." Emilia:"S-shhhh...  Shhhh..." Ian:"Say its a joke that its a prank..." Emilia:"Ian I-I" after an hour you took Ian home and there you were lying in bed and hugging. Ian still was crying. Hasley decided to ring his parents.

(Hey... hey... hey.. guys... So it's a sad chapter. And love the song I have liked in the top. RIP XXXTentacion... Bye bye)

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