Art Trade! @SadGoldfish

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So this is the one I'm using  SadGoldfish and here are the results!

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So this is the one I'm using  SadGoldfish and here are the results!

Kinda messed up the first smoke (you can barely see the outline 😤) but hope you like it! I added a bit more of the drugs and also the marijuana 420 sweater (งΦ Д Φ)ง

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Kinda messed up the first smoke (you can barely see the outline 😤) but hope you like it! I added a bit more of the drugs and also the marijuana 420 sweater (งΦ Д Φ)ง

Say no to drugs M'kay?

And SO sorry this is late its 11:05 AM (day) and I haven't ate anything yet well..except the oreos I ate...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Oh by the way I'm  open for art trade!! (`・ω・´)ノ

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