"We have to go!" Tay said as she ran toward the car.

"Tay! Calm down!" Alex screamed. Obviously he didn't mean it.

"Shut up Alex!" she screamed back at him. She tried to get open it up but it was locked and she was struggling while she tried to pull the handle several times, "Why isn't this fucking door opening?!" she said.

After she realized the car wouldn't open she turned around and quickly leaned her back against the car and slid down until she was sitting on the ground. She began to sob her eyes out and Alex ran over to her. He took her hands in his and he tilted her chin up.

"Hey, hey, look at me." he said. She looked into his eyes and he spoke to her, "We're gonna go to the hospital and we're gonna see him there and he's gonna be okay, he's gonna be bandaged up and we are gonna be there when he wakes up okay?" he said to Tay. I can tell her didn't believe it. She knew I was gonna die.

"B-but what about Vic?" she asked.

"I'll call one of the guys to take him to the hospital. I don't think he should drive once he hears the news." he said.

"O...okay." Tay said. She was still crying pretty hard. He kissed her forehead and he pressed the button on his car keys to unlock the doors. They got up and got in the car. I watched as they drove away.

I couldn't believe this was the way I died. Vic. My Vic. My husband. My best friend. My everything. I didn't know how to feel. But what I realized was that I wasn't mad. I didn't hate him. I hated myself. I let him get this out of control. He was an alcoholic to the point where I couldn't do anything about it. It drove him to murdering someone he loved. If I did this to him I would never forgive myself. What was I gonna do when I got back to him? I couldn't tell him about this. He would think I was crazy. My head was spinning and I had no idea what I was gonna do.

All of the sudden, I was back in the white world and I was standing there looking into the distance. There was something there. A man. A man standing in the distance.

"Hello?" I called out. He didn't answer. But he slowly started walking towards me. "Who are you?" I called out. As he started getting closer I was able to make out who it was. I gasped when he got close enough. It was my dad.

"Hello Kellin." he said.

"Dad." I whispered in astonishment. I quickly pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged me back and I began to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Kellin." he said.

"Dad....you're....you're dead and...you're here...and-"

"I've been watching over you." he said. And that's when it hit me. I pulled out of the hug and looked at him.

"You were my spirit guide." I said. He nodded.

"It took me a lot to convince the man upstairs to let you have a second chance. It's almost completely impossible to get him to give people a second chance at life. But after constant begging I attracted his attention and convinced him to give you another life." he explained. This was unbelievable.

"Dad, you did that for me?" I asked. He nodded.

"But enough about me, how are you? Are you ready to go back?" he asked. I looked at him with a blank face.

"No, I can't, I mean, I want to, I love Vic but I....I don't know." I said. I sat down on the floor and he sat down with me.

"Why do you say that?" he asked.

"It's all my fault." I whispered.

"What is?" he asked.

"The death. I drove him to it. I let him get to the point where he killed me." I said. He chuckled and looked down. Then he looked up at me.

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