Chapter 10 - A Lannister Perspective

Start from the beginning

He once thought that Cersei was his one true love. That there was no other woman he could love other than his sister. They didn't care if their relationship were forbidden, they didn't care even if it meant that they could die if anyone finds out. All they cared about was that they had each other, and that was all that matters to Jaime. Jaime had times of doubt, even more so than Cersei. But whenever they do, they would always tell one another that the Targaryen's wed brother and sister for centuries. Why should they be any different?

Jaime despised the secrecy. Having to leave Cersei's chambers early in the morning before the servants came. Distancing himself with their three bastard children whom Cersei claims to be Robert's. Those were what Cersei wanted; not Jaime's. However he had to follow them if it meant spending another day with whom he believed to be his one true love.

Unbeknownst to Jaime, Cersei had him wrapped around her finger. She manipulated him easily, tricked him into thinking that what they had was real love. Jaime had not known love since a young age. The only person who's ever given him that was Cersei. He welcomed her love with open arms.

But Jaime was not blind either. Each oncoming day, Cersei's thirst for power grows stronger and stronger. She unhealthily nurtures their eldest Joffrey, not knowing that she's simultaneously ignoring her two other children. Jaime can't figure out what Cersei sees in Joffrey. Ever since the incident with the kitchen cat where he sliced open its stomach, taking out the unborn kittens and presenting them to his 'father' the King, Jaime knew that Joffrey is rotten to the core and the only person who can't see that is Cersei herself. He told her many times about Joffrey's behavior, yet Cersei wants to hear none of it. She made it crystal clear that Joffrey is her son and not his.

Jaime's love began to fade when he realized Cersei's true intentions. She was breeding Joffrey to become a King, in hopes that she can rule through him. They had numerous fights afterwards, and their nights spent together became fewer. Most days they would eventually return to one another arms as if yesterday's problem were long gone.

However, Tyrion knew how vulnerable Jaime is with Cersei. He felt that it was right to help him by making sure he can see his own mistakes in continuing their incestuous relationship. Jaime was too much in love with Cersei to realize what she was truly doing to him.

Tyrion was smarter than Cersei thought him to be. Her lovers may be discreet, but Tyrion has kept a closed watch on his sister ever since he moved to King's Landing. Their father would rather Tyrion live far away from him rather than being in one roof. Hence, Tyrion would always enjoy his time in the capital. However, despite being discreet, Tyrion found out about the affairs Cersei had been having with a couple of soldiers from the Lannister army and even a knight from the Kingsguard who wasn't Jaime.

Tyrion debated himself whether he should tell Jaime or not. He had no evidence, hence it'll be his word against Cersei. Even with witnesses, what proof is there for Tyrion to make such an accusation. Whatever the situation, Jaime would always believe Cersei more than him, no matter how much Jaime loves his brother. There was tang of guilt within Tyrion because Jaime deserves more than Cersei. Jaime's protected him his entire life. Perhaps Tyrion could protect him from Cersei by telling the truth.

When Jaime rode for Casterly Rock after the Greyjoy's burned all of the fleets at Lannisport, Tyrion was left in King's Landing and of course Cersei was there as well. Tyrion couldn't sleep that night and when for a walk out in the dark castle halls, thinking that no one would found out about him. As he was walking about, he saw a disheveled looking blonde man walk out of Cersei's chambers. It was one of their cousins, and Tyrion couldn't believe his eyes. It seems that having Jaime wasn't enough, and now Cersei is sleeping with one of their cousins and quite possibly other men.

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