Chapter Ten

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The axe goes flying above my head as I flip off him and slide on the dirt.

Good show.

I find a smile coming to my face despite my current situation.


What Would Neal Do?

He'd be smarter than me and not even get in this position to begin with.

The guy is more weary as he walks in a slow circle around me, sensing my ease of movement would outmatch his.

But my strength would not even come close.

It's speed versus strength.

He thinks I've let my guard down as he charges again and I flip out of the way, grabbing something metal that was under the sand.

Whenever it is fully revealed I feel as if I've been granted a gift from God.

He roars with laughter.

It's a tiny little switchblade, rusted with age.

I can tell it served its previous master well, maybe it'll grant me the same respect.

His stance is too open.

I charge him and jump, my feet making contact with his chest and sending him backwards.

I roll easily on the ground as the crowd stops laughing.

"Fix your stance!" I offer as he gets back up. He stands and snarls,

"I don't need advice from a little girl. Much less a vigilante." I roll my eyes and flip the blade open as I run up the side of the wall.

Good show.

Just for the thrill of the onlookers I do two flips in the air before landing on his shoulders and resetting his left shoulder. Then move down to his knees and kick them in.

He crumbles as I roll out of the way.

The crowd falls so silent I think the place is empty for a second.

"Finish it!" Someone yells and choruses off agreements follow.

I grit my teeth and wait until he is back on his feet to move.

My mind goes into training as I move around, doing flips and dodging his attacks.

Cuts seem to appear on him like magic.

They seem like little cuts.

In reality, they are stab wounds as I injure the muscle he needs the most.

This time, whenever I step away, he falls and doesn't get back up.

But obviously still breathing.

"Finish him!!!"

I slowly walk over and kneel beside him,

"What drove you to this life?" He looks up at me,

"Kid, just do it already." I narrow my eyes,

"I won't."

Silence. All other noise gets blocked out as I pop my knuckles.

"You'll get yourself killed!" He warns. I smile at him,

"No. You will walk out of this arena in better condition than you came in, maybe next time you can beat me." I walk in a slow circle around him until I find what I'm looking for.

In a small movement I've cracked his knee into place since I accidentally popped it out in the beginning.


The axe arm is now completely relaxed.


The back has been readjusted.

He cries out after each one, the crowd thinks I'm hurting him to make my victory better.

Shhhh- ick!!

He has had a bone healing wrong for a while now. I've fixed it.

Then I pat his sweaty back and whisper,

"See you next time around." Then slam my foot into the major vein in the back of the neck.

He blacks out.

The crowd roars its approval.

They're sick.

I look up to the seats the two are in.

My heart relaxes whenever Benjamin nods in approval.

My family will not die today by his hand.

POV Jake

I type faster as a sinking feeling comes into my stomach.

Dammit, Nate, why did you have to be so good with friggin' computers? I mean, I'm better, but still!

"How's it going?" Neal asks as he leans over the back of my chair with a fresh cup of coffee. I take his cup from him and take a swig before answering,

"Getting closer." I hand him his cup back and he looks at it, then sets it down beside me.

If I were Natalie, I'd be fangirling so hard I wouldn't be able to focus.

The thought brings a smile to my face as I close in on her last seen locations.

The police couldn't get the people in my area to work with them willingly, and they tried for three hours.

Me and Neal went in separately and got our information in thirty minutes.

Then it was figured out that I was faster than their databases when I did it manually.

So, here I am, sitting at this computer and running scans as they pace nervously in the next room.

Neal's the only one I'm allowing in and out simply because he doesn't seem to mind whenever I hack into FBI, CIA, NASA and local police networks.

Also, Nate trusted him, so I will too.

There's a ding and I narrow my eyes.

"Why would she be there?" Neal looks up from the book I didn't realize he was reading,

"Find something?" I nod and roll the chair back,

"Yeah. My sister is in the Arena." Neal pales a little,

"The local gang fighting place? Why would she be in a place like that?" It takes a moment, but I recall information.

"She knew a local gang leader, Adam or something like that. I'm betting he crossed her and has her fighting." Neal sits up,

"Why would she be fighting? Are they going to kill her if she refuses?" I shake my head as I fold my hands together,

"No. She'd take the bullet over this. Murder has never been her thing. There's only one thing that'll make her fight..." I scan the room and stand, "If they're threatening the ones she loves."

Neal stands as well,

"Then we have to move you and Kyle, a safe place." I shake my head and chuckle,

"Two things wrong with your plan." He turns and looks at me until I continue, "One: If they're threatening us, then they have men inside the police force. Two: You're one of the people she cares about."

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