He hugs me back. “I’m going to miss you,” I say muffled in his shirt.

“Well I’m not,” he laughs as I punch him im the shoulder. “kidding"

“You better be,”

“I am going to miss you a lot Alaska.”

“tell me what happens with the girl” I wink at him. We both laugh. He then goes over to Tatum to say bye.

Up next is Jonah.
“I know this is hard for you,” I say knowing it’s just as hard for me. I feel his pain.

“Thank you so much for everything,” he thanks me.

“Of course I’d do anything for you.”

We hug each other then I go up to Corbyn.

“My favorite blonde,” I smile.

“You are my favorite state,” I laugh at that.

“Have you ever been to Alaska?” I say.

“Nope,” he says.

“Neither have I.” We hug each other for awhile and I think I might start crying.

I go up to Jack.

“See you later noodle boy.”

“See ya later blondie.” He smiles at me which we all know is rare to see him smile. “I am going to miss you,”

All I could say was, “me too,” other wise I’m going to break down.

I hug him but quickly go over to Gabbie who just said bye to Tate. I can see the tears in her eyes and it is going to make me cry. I hug her tightly.

This is where the water works come. “I’m so glad I got to meet you,” I tell her after our hug.

“Me too babe, I will miss you” she says wiping her eyes.

I give her a toothy grin “I’ll miss you" I then look over at Dani he was talking to Corbyn.

I walk up and our eyes meet. I cant handle it my eyes began to become to watery I can't see. He swiftly comes up to me and I hug him like my life dependent on it. His big hands cradle my face.

My lips attach to his, this was like nothing I ever felt before, a tear stained face puffy eyes and a flight I need to catch. This kiss said that this wasn’t goodbye but I don’t know when I will be able to kiss you again. The kiss held so much passion. Letting go to catch our breath.

“I am going to miss you so damn much,” I tell him.

“Not as much as I’m going to miss you,” he smirks

“Impossible” I say while kissing him. And as usual we get interrupted.

All of a sudden I hear my name I look over and see Eben running over to us.

“You can't leave with out saying goodbye to me!” he says hurtfully.

“Sorry E, we just thought you were busy working in the studio almost everyday,” I tell him, I walk and give him a giant hug.

“See you later A,” he smiles showing off his dimple.

“Thank you for everything E,” I smile back at him

Flight 170 to Seattle Washington boarding now.

“Guess that’s out call.” I say wiping my eyes.

Me and Tate wave goodbye and head to the airplane to get ready to board.

I grab her hand, she gives me a small smile. We don’t get seated in the same area since she got her ticket later.

I go sit in my seat which somehow I’m lucky and get the window seat. I plug in my earbuds and put my boys on. Listing to All my love I drift of into sleep.

I wake up naturally to see we will be landing soon. As we go down my ears pop. Finally after what felt like forever we are on the ground again. I stay seated knowing it might take awhile.

After several minutes I get out and head to baggage claim. I see Tate and head over there.

“Hey girl,” I say.

“Hey Alaska, how are you holding up?” she asks.

“Oh you know fantastic as always.” I say sarcastically

“Sarcastic as ever A,” she smiles.

“You know it babes,” I wink at her.

I see my bag and go grab it I leave but not before hugging Tatum and saying see you soon.

I called my mom asking her to pick me up. So she should be here. 
My phone beeps and I thought it would be mom but it’s my ocean eyes.

Ocean eyes: How was your flight?
Mi amour: it was good just waiting for my  mom

Ocean eyes: I hope you will have a good rest of you summer.

Mi amour: you to Dani and make sure you release that album

Ocean eyes: soon babe soon

Mi amour: what a horrible word.

I get another text and see that it’s my mom telling me she is here. I walk out to her car. And put my suitcase in the back. I slide into the passenger side door.

“Hi mom" I say while giving her a hug as best as I could from the car.

“I’ve missed you so much little girl.”

I told her stuff that had happened not everything of course like none of that smexy stuff with Daniel and all the drama.

“aww I’m happy for you little one but just be careful he is kinda famous and girls would love to have him and distance is going to be hard.”

“Mom I know all this already, but Daniel is important to me and I can handle it,” I assure her.

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