Chapter 21

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I wake up and feel so many emotions. Fear, anger, sadness and joy ha! all the inside out characters.

I’m scared of what's going to happen to me and Daniel, mad because I hate leaving my friends and I hate my dad for leaving my mom and I. I’m sad to leave all my friends and boyfriend. But I am happy to have all of these people in my life.

I get up too fast and feel dizzy. I fall down on top of Daniel. And wake him up. “Sorry babe.,” I say shyly. I really didn’t mean to do that.

His eyes flicker open, his beautiful ocean eyes looking at me with amusement.

“Morning babe,” he smirks at me.

My lips touch his ever so lightly. But Dani doesn't like that. He grabs my face with his strong hands and pulls me closer, suddenly his lips are on mine it's rough and passionate. But I know that there are two people next to us in another bed.

So I break the kiss. He wasn't to pleased with me. I maneuver my eyes over to Jack and Gabbie. He just smiles and shakes his head. Before I get up he goes in for another kiss. This time I shake my head and smile.

Getting off the bed I make my way to my luggage and quickly pack all the things I need. I grab a baby blue hoodie and some shorts. I walk to the bathroom and put them on. I then do my regular morning routine and then put all that stuff in to my suitcase.

Mine and Tates flight leaves at 3 PM. I go down stairs and see no one awake or at least down here. I look over at the microwave and see that its 8 o'clock.

I guess I really didn’t want to sleep in. I make myself an English muffin and peanut butter. I sit down and look at my phone for the next 45 minutes.

But finally Daniel comes down. I put my plate away and hug him so tightly I might break a rib. His vanilla sent drawing me in and making me feel comfortable. His hands going up and down my back.

“I am going to miss you so much my ocean eyes.”

“I’m going to miss you more mi amour,” he kisses the top of my head.

“I’m going to miss you most.”

“Impossible,” he tells me and I just laugh.

“Very much so possible.”

Feet hitting the floor takes us away from or hugging. I look up and see Tate and Jonah.

“You ready?” I ask.

“Of course not, I don’t want to leave,” Tate tells me with a sad expression.

“Me neither,” Daniel grabs my hand and squeezes.

The rest of the group comes down looking tired. But I’m pretty sure they had enough sleep unlike me and Dani.

After a couple of hours of just chilling and hanging out.
I bring my suitcase downstairs getting ready to leave.

Daniel grabs my hand and my luggage and puts it in the van.
Jonah does the same with Tate.
We all get into the enormous van.
We play music loud and have fun singing and dancing (as best as we could) in the car.

With out realizing it we show up at LAX.

I know this was going to happen but it’s too soon. Daniel and I just got to together and now I have to leave him and all my best friends.

We step out of the van. I’m trying hard not to cry right now. But I don’t think I’ll be able to control it when I’m saying goodbye.

Tate was hugging Corbyn.
I go up to Zach and tackle him, catching him off guard.

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