Chapter 2

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I made my way home from school. I was kinda sad it was over to be honest. I know it sounds weird. How could somebody love their school? But it just kinda went perfectly. If every day is like that, I won't ever want to leave. Gen and I exchanged numbers. She said she'd text me at some point tonight, so I was looking forward to that.

"Hey honey. How was your day?" Mum asked with a big grin on her face.

"Amazing. I met some cool people, got to my classes okay. I had to choose which lessons I was doing first." I answered.

"Which lessons did you choose?" She asked.

"Singing, music, drama and creative writing." I answered.

"That's right up your street!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"I know. And at the end of the semester we'll be performing." I added.

"What will you be performing?" She asked.

"Well, I chose Last Hope by Paramore for my solo. It just reminds me of granny, ya know? I used to sing that for her all the time when she got sick." I said, getting kinda sad.

"Aw sweetie. She'd love that." Mum said.

"Yeah. I hope so." I answered. "And for our group performance, we're singing some song by Panic! At the Disco? I think that's the right name. Apparently they're this local group." I explained. At that she froze.

"What?" She asked, almost in disbelief. I got some water out of the fridge and started taking sips.

"Yeah, well, I'm gonna go practise it in my room." I said, turning on my heel.

I studied the lyrics carefully. They were actually really good, if a little psychedelic. I decided to put the song on my phone so I could listen to the tune. It made it sound even better than what I had in my head, which was more fast paced than what it really sounded like. But I ignored the song completely when my phone buzzed.

U wanna hang? – Gen

Address? – Ali

Once she gave me her address, I told my still relatively distracted mother that I was going to see a friend. After giving me the go ahead, I made my way to her house. It was even bigger than mine. Is this some sort of affordable gold mine? I buzzed the button on the gate and a man answered.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Um, hi. I'm here to see Gen." I said.

"Of course! Come in." He said, opening the gate. I walked in and was greeted by a man in a suit.

"Hey. I'm Genette's father. You must be Ali" He greeted. I smiled and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you." I said politely.

"Right, well, Gen's just in that room over there. I'm off to a meeting, so tell her please to behave." He said. I smiled and nodded my head. Once he left I ventured over to the next room.

"Hey!" Gen greeted.

"Hi Gen." I said back.

"So, I find it personally offensive that you don't know who Panic! At the Disco are." She said.

"Okay?" I asked, knowing she was going somewhere with this.

"Well, where do I begin? It started with a whole group of people, and now the band has dwindled down to one man. But, Brendon Urie has grown as a human being, and a singer, and a performer. Basically, he's just grown into this entire band. Do you follow?" She asked.

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