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Test of Strengths
-15 Years Old-

Intellectual comradeship requires that you think your thoughts through to the place where you can make the complex seem simple, the obscure quite clear

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Intellectual comradeship requires that you think your thoughts through to the place where you can make the complex seem simple, the obscure quite clear.
-David Seabury


With each step I took the ground suctioned my feet making each step just as painful as the last. The giant bag of camping materials held not just materials for the wilderness but rocks as well making the treck even harder then it already was. And along with the weight was a girl that had dislocated her knee along the way. We fell behind making the others specks in the distance.

"You should just leave me here. I'll get there on my own. You're going to get points taken for this." The girl grimaced with another step. My scowl deepened.

"So be it." My voice held nothing unlike the rest of me that felt like it was on fire. What was the point in leaving a comrade behind? None. I sighed and readjusted the girl's arm over my shoulder. The rain poured harder and thunder rumbled across the sky making the ground shudder with anticipation for a strike. I stopped and sat the girl down throwing her off a bit.

"What are you doing?" She hissed in pain as she shifted on the rock she sat on. I looked around for a thick branch that I could use. Finally finding one I turned to the girl.

"This going to hurt," I stated firmly. Her face wrinkled in confusion. I got down to her knee that was dislocated.

"What are yo-" a scream erupted from her throat as I set her knee back into place hearing the sound like bark being ripped off a tree as I did so. I grabbed some clothe from my bag and wrapped her knee making her whimper in more pain. I turned back around facing my back to her.

"Get on," Doing as I said she wrapped her arm tightly around my shoulders but not enough to choke me. I heffed up her body making her hiss once more in pain. "Make sure you keep you're legs up the best you can." I yelled over more thunder. I grabbed the branch and sat it under her butt holding her in place and not agitating her wound to much. I held tightly onto each side of the branch and the treck started once more.

"Get some rest," the girl laid her head down on my shoulder. A smile twitched at the side of my face.


I walked up the steps to the Dining Hall hearing the yelling of Shadis. My knees shook as I walked forward. I would have headed to the infirmary if it hadn't been the state I was in. It was farther then here and there was no way I was going to make it holling the girl -which i found her name to be Amari- there. I got to the door and kicked my foot to the door. The yelling went quiet and the door was swung open. Shadis's eyes narrowed as he looked us over.

"Glad you could finally join us." We were screwed. I walked past him and shook Amari a bit to wake her. She groaned in pain and lifted her head.

"Hey wake up," Amari blinked and groaned in pain as I sat her down on one of the benches. "Are you doing alright?" Amari's eyes widened in fear as she glanced at me to Shadis.

"Cadet I'm speaking to you," his voice sent warning signs to my brain. I angrily snapped my head to face him.

"Yes Sir I did," I saluted him and stood still. I could feel everyone hold there breaths. His eyes narrowed as he sneered.

"Would you like to explain WHY YOU WERE SEPERATED FROM THE GROUP?" I winced as I unsaluted and rubbed my ear.

"A comrade was wounded and was not able to walk properly on her own sir. I did what anyone should for a comrade. I was not going to leave Amari behind to get lost and quite possibly die from doing so," my voice didn't shake but held a tone to it that would make anyone quake in there boots except Shadis of course. Shadis looked to Amari then myself.

"Get her to the infirmary, you'll be coming back to clean up the dining hall and giving up your rations tonight." He snarled and turned to everyone making them stiffen as he looked at them.

"You are free for tonight. Better be ready for a grueling morning," a breath of relief passed through everyone.

"Looks like you messed up," Connie walked over and chuckled.


I winced with each movement I made. My body ached with just the slightest movement making cleaning the dining hall harder then it already was. I never wanted to do this......... again.

I swiped my hand over my forehead getting rid of any sweat.

"Viena, right?" I stiffened at my name as I turned to see a guy that looked to be built like an ox, with the look of a dumbass.

"Yes, and you are?" I casted my eyes back to the floor and continued to scrub at the floor.

"Reiner Braun." I paused mid scrub and looked back at the 6 foot ox. I narrowed my bronze colored eyes at him as I met his gold ones that looked like the metal itself fell into them. He smirked a cocky smile before running his fingers through his short pale blond hair. "You see something you like?" He chuckled and winked at me.

With a deadpan look I answered him. "No."

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