Chapter One: Avengers Meeting

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 Tony pov

Tony had no idea about what he was supposed to do. Pepper was gone at a meeting. Ned was busy after school (he had already called him.) MJ was not available either. Peter had nowhere he could stay while he met with the rest of the Avengers.

Tony had known one day the rest of the team would have to meet Peter, but he never wanted it to be so soon. Maybe when he was eighteen when he could officially become an Avenger and no longer be the 'friendly neighborhood Spiderman'. But now he guessed was the time. He had kept Peter from the press so far. He had Peter keep his old last name of Parker to use at school. They had even come up with a plan for a fake internship so it would not draw attention when he came to the tower every day.

But such is time and its way with things that today is probably is the day that the Avengers meet Peter Benjamin Parker -Stark. He just hoped that he could keep the secret about him being spiderman a bit longer.

That was what Tony was thinking waiting for the rest of the team to come. It had been a while since they had all been together they all were busy with their own thing. Steve and Natasha had found Bucky and had gotten him back together again. Thor and Bruce were just getting back from Asgard (it was not destroyed). Clint and Wanda went to visit Clint's wife and kids. Rhodey was off doing some military business. While Tony had been parenting Peter.

Tony was thinking about all of this when JARVIS spoke up, "Sir the others have just arrived." ( Vision was never made and JARVIS is still around).

"Thanks, JARVIS. Send them up please."

A minute later he heard the elevator ping and open. He turned and saw that all of them were standing there looking around the living room. Tony knew that no one has seen him yet so he cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Hey, Tony! How have you been?" asked Clint.

"Also what have you been doing while we were gone. Everyone was off somewhere doing something except you," Natasha questioned.

"To answer Clint first, I have been good. Actually better than I have been in a long time. I have stopped drinking as much and I am getting about five hours of sleep at night now and I have stopped spending so much time in the lab alone. "

And this was true ever since that conversation had taken a break Tony spent a lot more time with Peter and got more sleep at night. Also, he stopped drinking so much.

"And what have you been doing?" asked Steve.

"Oh you know, I have taken over part of the company so Pepper does not have so much work to do."

"Yeah well, I think we should get this meeting started. You know how Fury gets it we are not on time." Bruce added.

"The last thing we need is for him to throw a tantrum and see under that eye patch of his," Wanda spoke.

" The Witch of Scarlet is right about that! As funny as it would be to see under the patch of the eye of the man of Fury, I do not think it wise to test him at this point in time! He seemed in a rush when he called us to meet! I do believe that something has gone very askew! He was practically on his knees begging us to this meeting! " Thor's loud voice entered the conversation.

"Yeah, he did seem in a hurry when I got the call." They turned around to see who had spoken and they all saw Sam, Rhodey, and Pepper who had just come out of the elevator.

"Nice to see that everyone showed up," said Sam.

Pepper caught Tony's eye and motioned him over.

"Is Peter coming home from school or his going to someone's house?" questioned Pepper.

"I asked and all of his friends are busy after school today. Pepper I thought it over and I think it is time for them to know the truth about Peter. What if one time they need to ask me something and they see Peter sitting in the living room. We need to tell them ourselves before there is an accidental meeting. Let's tell them after the meeting, while we are on the subject of developments," Tony said.

"Okay, as long as you seem alright with it, I guess I can agree about this. Are we going to tell them that he is Spiderman?"

"No, we should wait for later about that development."

They followed the rest of the group to the living room couch to look at the Tv screen where Nick Fury's face was being displayed in all of its eye patch glory.

"Alright, Avengers! We have just discovered something about HYDRA. Thirteen years ago they started an experiment called the spider-human. It is where they combined the DNA of a radioactive spider with a human. The combination was apparently successful because they started training this individual over the next ten years. But unfortunately for them, they got away and are now living someplace else."

"What does that have to do with us?" asked Nat.

"Well you see this person is incredibly important to HYDRA and now they are trying to get them back so they can continue their testing on this individual. Of course, since HYDRA is interested in this person I think that it is important to find them and take them into SHEILD and question them on this matter. If we can figure out why they started this investigation on this specific person, maybe we can figure out other HYDRA crimes because the answer may give us a pattern we can start to follow. "

"Do you know who this person is?" asked Steve.

"Yes we do and we want you to bring them in."

"Well who is it?" asked Sam.

"It's Spiderman. "

Tony and Pepper lot at each other in shock and worry. Just then Peter stepped out of the elevator. 

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