Chapter 7

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Felix whatched in complete anger as her bamboo structure fell once again. This is the fifth time shes tried to keep it standing... and she wanted to snap each bamboo stalk into peices! She turned to see Haize wrapping a vine around some palm leaves then placed it on his head. He looked up smiling then his gaze fell on Felix and the smile disapeared. "Morning." Felix growls turning back to her bamboo shit. "Hello sunshine!" Haize says with a smirk. Felix just growled as she tied the bamboo tighter. "Well arent you just peachy." Haize grumbles crawling beside her. He studied her movements. "Maybe instead of a cube, we should make a cone." Haize says. "Why? A cone would give us less room." Felix mumbles. "Shelter is shelter. Also a cone would make it easier on the bamboo. Wouldnt put to much pressure for a roof." Haize says shrugging. "Then you build it!" Felix growls shoving the bamboo into his arms. Felix walked off into the palm trees grumbling to herself as Haize started building their shelter.

Wolfie lost Mary. She ran off after they left Echo's. Hopefully she's at soriel, Wolfie doesn't know where else she'd go. Her profile maybe? Wolfie sighed playing some music. She was deep in thought. A gun that separates souls. Did she mean split in half, shatter? Wolfie shuddered at how painful that must feel. But what else did she mean? Mary's smart, she'll find a way to help everyone... if she ever finds her...

Henry's pupils were gone as he glared into the bears soul. Behind him, Wild got on her feet ready to attack. The bear looked at Henry, then Wild, the back to Henry. Everyone stayed still just glaring at their opponent(s). This went on for a few minuetes. Then the bear got on its hind legs again. Wild and Henry looked at their feet for weapons. Wild picked up a stone, and Henry grabbed a stick. The bear swiped its paw and Henry tried to deflect it with the stick. It snaped within seconds and Henry went flying slamming into a tree. The bear lowered all fours and slowly walked to Henry. Henry looked down in disapointment of the two halves of one stick. Then he slowly looked up to the bear not knowing what to do. "Hey asshole!" Wild yells throwing the stone. It bounced off the bears head. The bear shook its head turning to Wild. "Uh..." Wild mumbled looking around. Then a loud ass roar echoed followed by weaker roars. The bear's ears perked up, then ran off into the forest. Wild and Henry whatched in confusion as the bear ran off, they looked at each other and laughed. "A stick!? What was that gonna do?" Wild asks. "Really? Says the one who tried to hide four feet off the ground!" Henry says. "It was more than four feet asshole." Wild says defending herself. "Right." Henry says sarcastically. "Anyway you okay?" Wild asks. "Yeah, fine. You?" Henry asks bouncing to his feet. "Yeah, thanks to you." Wild says standing as well.

MT shaded her eyes with her hand. Beth was catching up, sandomes arent her stong suit. MT squinted her eyes, is that a cactus? Huh, first live thing shes seen all day besides Beth. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder, an exhausted Beth was panting beside her. "I- im just gonna... only for a little." Beth says slowly sliding down laying in the sand. MT giggled and looked back out mostly focusing on the cactus. Both of them shot up when a snake slithered by. It didnt bother them, just slithered on by like nothing was cowering beside it. Beth and MT followed it rattle with their eyes as it slithered by. When it was halfway down the sandome MT and Beth let out the breath they were holding. "I fucking hate snakes. Lets go." Beth says starting to walk down the dome away from the snake. "Want to head to the cactus?" MT asks pointing at it. "Why? We have water." Beth says. "Well yeah but, it'll provide a little bit of shade and its life! That isnt to deadly!" MT says. "Fine." Beth sighs.

Griffin opened her eyes and stretched. She sat up and looked around. Still the plain. Still the long grass. Still the small shade of this sapling. But no Dragon. Griffin looked around yawning. Half of her didnt care, but the other half didnt want to be alone. Eventually worry took over and Griffin stood up calling for Dragon.

Mary ran into Soriel and looked around. Saddness filled her seeing it empty besides Clovis, who was on his perch. "Mary?" Clovis whistles. Mary just turned away wiping a tear from her eye and walked in a random direction away from Clovis. After a few minuetes Wolfie casually walked in. Mary hugged her legs tighter and looked away. Wolfie looked around her eyes falling on Mary's desk. Wolfie walked over and looked at some of the blueprints. She couldnt help but smile at the blueprints for their time machine. Wolfie read some of her notes, never has she ever been so confused. A small smile formed on Mary's face cuz of her confusion. "Mary? Are you in here?" Wolfie asks setting the notes down gently. "Yeah." Mary mumbles. Wolfie looked around then saw her curled up in the corner, hiding in the shadows. "We will find them dont worry." Wolfie reassured. "How?" Mary asks hopeless. Wolfie was quiet deep in thought. "Mary your one of the smartest people i know... if anyone can find them it will be you." Wolfie says. Mary gave her a suspicious look. "Im just tellin' the truth." Wolfie says her hands in her pockets. Mary smiled and pushed off the floor. She walked to her desk and exhaled a shaky breath. "You can do it! And im always here to help!" Wolfie says putting her hands on Mary's shoulders. Mary nodded and started writing in a notebook.

Felix walked back to where Haize was. He was lying a few feet away from a fully buily tipi, his pakm leaf hat pulled ober his eyes. "I fucking hate you." Felix growls. "You and Henry both." Haize says lifting his hat a bit. "Can you blame him?" Felix mumbles. Haize chuckles sitting up. "Dont laugh!" Felix yells punching his arm. "Okay." Haize says holding back a laugh. Felix reached in the tipi and pulled out a papaya. She dug her nails into it and split it in half, sending seeds everywhere. Haize rolls a seed between his fingers. Then Felix handed him a half. Haize emptied it off all seeds then took a bite. Sweet and juicy. Delicious. They sat on thw beach and whatched the waves enjoying the ripe papaya.

Dragon sat as still as possible. She took one small step, her furry paws as quiet as possible. A rabbit stipped eating, its ear perked. Dragon lower her ears and dipped her head tring to blend in. After a while the rabbit went back to eating. Dragon slumped back getting as close as she could to her back feet. Her peicing orange red eyes fixed on the rabbit. Dragon lowered to the ground getting ready to attack. "DRAGON!?" someone called. The rabbit ran off and Dragon growled turning back into her himan form. Dragon glared at Griffin as she ran towards her. "I hope you like starving." Dragon growls her ears pulled back as she walks past Griffin. "Already have." Griffin mumbles following Dragon from a distance.

JayJay woke up but kept his eyes closed knowing the sun would blind him. "Stay with us okay!" He heard a voice say. 'Im hallucinating agian.' JayJay thought. "Hurry!" "Im trying! Ive never done this so calm down!" "Hes dying!" "Well he should keep his distance from a fucking snake!" There was a silence after that. JayJay opened his eyes to see...

(Hehehe hate me all you like, your reactions are hilarious! Besides, its clearly not obvious. Bye!)

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