Chapter 5

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Mary glared at the sparkling quartz house. Hatred growing deep in her soul. She felt a hand on her shoulder. "Lets get this over with." Wolfie sighs. They walked over and knocked on the door. We waited and a butler opened the door. "Hello?" He asks. "Hi. May we speak to Echo?" Mary asks. "Echo?" The butler asks. "The young girl that lives here." Wolfie says. "Umm, yeah." The butler says stepping to the side. They looked around. It all looked the same. Except butlers walked around, no maidens. Echo came out of the kitchen a teacup in her hands. She was wearing a purple dress, and her hair was pulled in a flimsy bun. She looked at Mary and Wolfie, her cup shattered on the floor.

Haize swam deeper and deeper. He reached out a hand. He was running out of air. And the person wasnt moving. In one last attempt ge kicked his legs and grabbed them by the hair. He swam up as fast as possible. Gasping for air when he surfaced. Then he rolled over and pulled the person onto his chest. Felix. Haize wrapped an arm around her and with the other slowly swam back to shore. 'She's gonna be alright. He has to." Haize thought as he swam.

Beth followed the movement... but it kept getting farther away. "Hey!" Beth tried to call but her throat was dry and her voice was raspy. She cleared her throat and tried again. Her voice cracked this time. The movement stopped and turned around. Then started running to Beth. Beth never recognised them because the world went black and she fell face first into the sand.

Henry squinted his eyes and looked closer. The tree did move. But its not a tree. Its a bear! Probably a cub, they climb trees the most. But if there's a cub then there's a mother. Henry leaned out of the tree a bit looking for the mom. He kept a firm grip on a branch as he did so. But his head jerked up when he heard a roar and flashing faint light a couple dozen yards away.

Dragon opened her eyes to see the small leaves of a single young tree. Griffin and her sat underneath it in hopes to shield from the sun, at least a little. Then they fell asleep. Dragon stood up covering her arms from the cold breeze. She walked around the tall grass tickling her legs. She stopped as some birds ran by. She smiled and looked back at the tree. Griffin was sitting up rubbing her eyes and yawning. Dragon walked some more looking at the tall grass surounding her, trying to find more wildlife. As Dragon walked she heard roots snap. She looked at Griffin pure fear on her face and fell through the roots into cold muddy water.

JayJay looked around panting. 'I hate the desert.' He thought. A loud ringing is in his head, his whole tounge is dry all the way down his throat, vultures are flying overhead. 'Im gonna die' JayJay says, or at least thinks he says. Then he saw someone in the distance. Hope raising he stands and starts to trudge closer to them. "Hehe Felix!?" JayJay says his voice rough and raspy. He reached out a smile spreadimg on his chapped lips. Felix turned and hissed at him taking a step back. "Its me. Jay." JayJay says his voice still raspy. Felix stood taller then striked. JayJay jerked back yelling in pain. He held his hand in pain. His heart dropped when he heard a rattle. He looked at Felix again to see she transformed into a diamondback rattlesnake. JayJay staggered back, holding his hamd in pain. 'Now im definatly dead!' JayJay thought as his mind raced.

Felix sat up coughing. Someone pay her back and she jumped back turning glaring at them. "Calm. The. Fuck. Down." Haize says holding his hands up. Felix sighs her shoulders relaxing. Haize looked out at the waves. Felix shuddered at the memories. "Thanks." Felix mumbles. "Yeah." Haize says dusting his hands off an annoyed expression on hos face. Felix dug her hand into the sand then lifted it. The sand stuck, her hand was completly covered in little grains. She shook her hand and the sand went flying everywhere. Haize turned his head and squinted his eyes as she did so. "What happened? Is everyone else ok." Felix asks looking up at him hopefully. Haize shrugged a sad look on his eyes. Felix sighed and stood up offering Haize a hand. He looked at it then at her. "We have to survive somehow. Come and help." She says wiggling her fingers. Haize sighed and grabbed her hand. She pulled him up and pulled her hand away. Then they walked beside each other into the palm tree mass looking for food and other things to help their survival.

Wild looked around, staying as still as possible. Something was out there and it wasnt a friend. Then a roar shook the whole forest. And a shadowy bear jumped out at Wild. She rolled to the left and pointed at it. Wild looked around confused. She snapped her fingers. A gaster blaster flashed beside her, then disapeared. "Shit." Wild mumbles looking up at the snarling bear. The bear swiped at her, she ducked grabbing a stick beside her. Then bear fell to all fours and ran at Wild it mouth wide open. Wild jabbed the stick in its jaw. The bear backed away. Wild looked around and jumped for a branch. She grabbed it with one hand. She climbed up and curled around the branch looking at the bear, who somehow freed itself from the stick. The bear stood on two feet and looked Wild in the eye. "Hi" Wild says weakly. The bear roars in her face amd swiped its paw. Wild landed in the ground and ducked as the branch flew overhead. The bear loomed over her growling and snarling. Then a yell was heard, "motherfucker!"

Griffin opened her eyes and looked around. She calmed when she saw Dragon in the distance. She definatly doesnt want to be alone here. Grifgin stood up amd whatched as Dragon walked around. Them Dragom stopped and looked at Griggin a terrified expression on her face. Griffin cocked her head a bit. The Dragon just disapeared in the tall grass. Griffin panicked amd ran towards her. When she reached Dragon was gone. Griffin looked down and stomped on the ground. Just as she expected her foot fell into cold water. Then she jumped and fell straight into water. Griffin opened an eye to see nothing but mud and roots. She felt around blindly. Then her fingers grazed Dragon's arm.

MT walked around aimlessly. She was sweating enough to make a river. But she kept walking, knowing it'll help somehow. Then she heard a voice. She turned around and hipe fluttered inside. "Beth!" MT called running to her. The hope was shattered when Beth collapsed. MT sat down, Beth's head in her lap. She looked around trying to find something that would help. "Water! She needs water! Clearly... where the hell is water!?" MT asks the sky panicked, like as if id start raining any second. But there were no clouds for miles away. Then a cold sensation went fown her back. MT mentally facepalmed then held her hand out. Slowly a block of ice formed in her palm. She cupped her hands and waited. It didnt take long for the heat to melt the ice. Then MT poured it down Beth's throat. Then she waited. Hoping her friend will be ok. She has to...

(Hehehe i wasnt planning on a cliffhanger but it fits so well! Enjoy your cliffhanger my dear beloved readers!)

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