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A girl of seven is in a lab, she knew her time was done here, the group would cut lose ends but she gonna cut them frist,genesis smiles as she realise knock out in the air, she had a gas mask, and take all the information in a hard drive
And was destroying ever bit of evidence of her, she left all her things like a phantom
time skip
a hacker know as paradox has become a problem, It was impossible to track and stop do to the program being complex.the program called oracle it has 11 parts
echo,jewel,emerald,silver,hex, mirror,jinx,ace,myth,spirit.
Most believe that genesis trained Paradox but it wrong cause there the same person. The wizarding world someone named lady noctis has appeared, she a vile,egosical, or at least that what potter supporters potter say.
a red haired girl with green eyes is currently reading the paper
potter's daughter missing
james and lily potter put there daughter out to the muggle world to keep her safe, in a loving eniverment, belladonna elizabeth potter, was not there who would take there daughter away from a safe place
leon jill
this girl was currently fumming
Safe place! Safe fucking place! She should hex this moron!
This girl is belladonna elizabeth potter, she breaths in.and out to calm down. She ages her self up to 21 and her long blueish black hair and purple eyes dressed in black robes. she teleports,she sits next to marvolo slythern- lord slythern,lord black, lord nott, lord malfoy,lady zabini, lord parkinson,lord crabbe and lord goyle. " hello lady ravenclaw, how your morning" says lord slythern, she smiles " quite good lord slythern" she says ' yep Voldemort...but he not very "evil, vile,egosical"' then again they say that about her, she sees dores umbridge posing a bill-she was horrfied, it restricts anyone with creature blood and that's a creature-she was sickened to the core " in favor" lord potter,and view other light wizards and "against" lord malfoy,lord slythern, lord nott,lady zabini, lord crabbe and lord goyle,lord black and lady ravenclaw, and lady bones(grey),lord prince,they mange to stop it from being past
james potter looks pissed and she could easy to tell Dumbledore was as well.she when over to lord slythern, lord malfoy, lord black,lord prince
" thank merlin, remus well be okay" says sirius black " i can't believe people for that bill- they to call me " evil" says lord malfoy " their sheep, they will follow potter like his sons some kind of god" says lord slythern " i quite agree, that child has bigger ego then potter sr. Himself" says lady ravenclaw " how lady.zabini holding up?" she asks " she remaining.strong for her son , still cant believe they just let that guy go after killing her husband" says lord prince, lady noctis noticed lord potter coming over " i know you have my daughter" says potter sr to lord slythern " can stop accusing of something false, i.dont have your daughter" he responses ' im in plain sight you moron' she thinks to herself" you can't even keep track of your own daugter, thats pathic" say lady ravenclaw " shut up,you shouldn't even be here." He says
" potter, such good comeback" says severus snape-prince sarcastically " what ever you say,snivellus" he says " your such a lovely rolemodel" says Sirius black rolling his eyes and being sarcastic " at least I'm  not in relationship with a mutt" he says, Dumbledore came over " tom, you won't get away with what your doing... and you rowena would be ashamed" he says to noctis " excuse me sense when you tell when some would be a shamed.." she says calmly, as she looks at the time " ill be going now" she says as she teleports and gets home and sleeps.
Please tell me what you think.
I'm currently taking a break on blessed child, i will start.working on after chapter five of this

pretty And DangerousTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon