The pregancy test...

Start from the beginning

"I don't know"she sighs

"If it was a year ago you would want it"I said

"Conor that was a year ago! When we was in a new relationship and wanted to move things quickly but we realised it's better to walk before we run"she said

"We are walking...this is the next step we are ready for"I said she looked at me but was thinking in her head she was taking a while

"we would have the perfect little family...I promise"I said holding her and and rubbing my thumb gently on the top of her hand

"We've had some bad situations ourselves...I don't want our baby getting hurt"she said...Bless her she just wants the baby to be safe and if I can take care of her I can take care of our child

"I can protect two things important to and now this baby"I said then I looked in her eyes lovingly and she smiled and kissed me softly and after our lips danced together for a little I slowly pulled away

" know you're ready after a little talking from me"I said softly

"Yeah...I think the only thing I would change is to know that where planning it"she said

"I would make that baby making unforgettable"I said she giggled and pushed me lightly then they was a knock at the door...who that? I looked at Evie and I got up and answered it and who was it...jack and josh they both looked moody...fuck sakes

"We need to talk.."josh said

"Just tell me your coming over"I sighed

"I called you 3 times conor! but as usual for the last month you haven't answered!"jack said and they pushed the way passed me and jack went to say something to Evie but he stopped

Jack POV
I went inside with josh without Conor saying anything and I went to confront Evie about something but she instantly hid something behind her back...I knew something was up

"Whats behind your back..."I said

"Nothing..."she spoke quite and softly...fuck sakes I can't even believe there hiding stuff from me!

"Leave her alone..."Conor said

"You shut your mouth! I'm getting talked to like a piece of shit from my brother who I haven't seen in like 2 to 3 weeks and my best friend who being really quite and has just hid something behind her back"I said Evie sighed

"We don't need to explain things now!"conor snapped back at me

"Right so you are hiding something...both of you"josh said

"Two things..."Evie mumbled...that's even fucking worse I was snap back but Evie had her head down looking all upset josh and Conor was arguing but it went over my head completely and she slowly looked up at josh and her husband arguing and then looked at me she sighed and shook her head

"I'm so sorry"she mouthed I nodded because Evie doesn't mean to hurt anyone or become distant with someone especially me..

"Conor..."she said quitely but she got completely ignored and she sighed

"Conor"she repeated but slightly louder but it was still quite then tears was forming in her eyes and she looked at me for help...I do need to break this up because I might find out the truth

"Boys! Shut up!"I shouted and they was silence the looked at me and I looked at Evie and so did they

"Conor...your brother deserves to know and if it's with josh then fine but josh you might have to keep it in for a few hours"she said josh nodded

"As long as we know that's all where here for..I won't be mad"I said she tapped the sofa and all us boys sat I could hear the trickling of the rain outside and the wind

"Well first of all...Conor bumped into someone while I was in New York"she spoke I looked at conor...hoping it wasn't her brother or her ex and I could tell it was one of them

"Her ex"Conor said my hands cupped my face looking down at the floor...that little shit around again to cause drama and break our life's up again...

"What's the second thing?"josh said and they pause for a moment and I looked up Evie face was completely in worry and that made me confused and concerned

"Jack...I'm going to hand you something and just don't freak out please"she said there was worry in her voice and she handed me it I opened my hands it was a pregnancy she pregnant

"Wait...really?"josh said I looked and Conor nodded and they was both looking at me...I didn't know what to fucking dare they not tell us this was in the planning

"How fucking dare you...not speak to me in a month and not talk about how I might become I uncle at some point!"I said angrily my temper was getting higher and higher

"Jack it was unplanned Bro!"conor said and my anger changed into completely confusion and Evie had slow tears dripping down her face

"Jack, I know this a shock and it is to me and conor but me and conor talked and we think we are ready for it we have the money and I can work from home and when the baby grows up now and then you can take care of it will be safe no ex or brother is going to touch the baby"Evie said

"You're the only brother that can be around it"conor said I looked at him he had a reassuring smile and I had a short smile and I got up we all got up and I gave Evie the biggest hug ever the feelings of our friendship in that hug was there and as I let go I looked at my brother

"Never thought you be a dad before me bro"I said and we laughed and gave a long Bro hug...

"Is it only me who shock and confused still"josh said we looked at him and was in complete laughter and then josh hugged Evie and Conor was texting the group chat

Conor:boys we need to gather round at mine and Evie's asp

We looked at each other and smiled...this is really happening right?

Awhso Evie is pregnant and jack is happy! Who hyped!? If you liked this chapter please vote and comment and I'll see you next time bye-Evie xox

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