The Next Generation

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This is an EXTREMELY short story so plz dont comment and complain about how short it is. Maybe someday I will elaborate. But for now... ENJOY!! :)

BTW sorry about my spelling!!


Hello. My name is Isis Maria Rodgricuz. I am a 16 year old girl, with short blond hair, and pale green eyes.

All my life, all I have wanted is to live a normal teeage life. You know: Boys, cars, and drama. But unfortuanently, I never will.

Why? Because I live in a pysciatric ward.

I was sent here 2 years ago, because I told my mother I could see and talk to the dead.

She thought I was insane.

At first she signed me up for some therapy, but Dr. Miller, my therapist, came to the conclusion I would be better off in a place like this.... The Nuthouse.

Little did they know, that I was telling the truth. Ever since my 13th birthday, everwhere I looked I saw someone that wasn't alive. For a while I didn't get much sleep because they all kept bothering me, because they knew I could see them and they wanted help, RIGHT AWAY.

I was always restless and my father was the only one who really noticed. He asked me constantly if I was alright and I always answered the same thing, "As good as I'll ever be."

After about 4 months I found a way to block them out. I started seeing them less and less. Soon I only saw maybe 4 in a day. I tried to help them, but I couldn't be sure what they wanted. So I simply told them I would be no help, so they should just leave me alone.

Some left, others stayed, but eventually they got sick of trying.

I was fine for a while and thought that maybe they just all left. But I was wrong.

Another 2 months later, I was walking home with my best friend, Kara at about 11:30 at night. We had been at a movie and my mom couldn't come pick us up, so we decided to walk.

At some point we strode by a dark alley and out jumped a scary man in a dark coat! He grabbed me and threw my against a wall. I cussed, because I crushed my wrist between the brick and my body.

I looked up to find him holding a gun against Kara's head.

Before I could yell for help he pulled the trigger and my friend's body went limp. He forgot all about me and ran off. I crawled over to her sobbing.

I wept for multiple reasons. One, my best friend for life had just been brutally murdered. Two, my wrist hurt like crazy! And three, I could see the spirits again.

But this time, Kara was one of them.

I felt my world crumble.

Kara realized how much the others bothered me and shooed them away. I didn't think she could do that.

She knelt beside me, and said, "I can heal your wrist." in a quiet, withered voice.

And she did.

From then on, she was my only friend and she never left my side.

The police questioned me about what had happened. I told them everything, besides the fact, she wasn't nessicarily dead.

But after a few more months, she got restless. She told me over and over again, that she couldn't stay here but she needed my help to find her way. One night I decided I had, had enough. I screamed and cried at her that it wasn't my job to help her and that she needed to lave me alone, because she was nothing to me!

I didn't mean a thing I said, but she didn't think so. She screamed back at me. She ranted on and on that she might still be alive if it weren't for me. I could have saved her.

The idea dawned on my so unexpectadly, my mind went blank. I was only vaguely aware of my mother pounding on my door screaming at me telling me to unlock it.

Since that night I haven't seen my mother, my dad, or my baby sister. They don't visit.

Once I was locked up, Kara started to show up again. She apoligized and begged me to forgive her. I didn't understand why SHE of all people was apologizing, but nevertheless, I was lonely and I needed the company.

Back then I didn't seem to noitce how she stared at me that now, reminds me a bit of a hungry dog.

I don't understand why she is still here, or why every day I get weaker and weaker, while she get's stronger and stronger.

Right now, I feel numb. Everything is getting fuzzy. But not Kara's look of anticipation.

She starts explaining, "This is it Isis! You have finally helped me! I will have become a full person on my own by the time I suck out the rest of your life and youth!"

I can only whisper, "Why? Why are doing this to me? I'm your friend!"

She just laughs and leans in to whisper in my ear. The last thing I ever hear is, "This has been your purpose all along. This is the reason you began to see the spirits of the Lost. So I could teach them how to overcome you pathetic humans and create a race of undead beings who will be twice as powerful as you. This, " she laughed. "is the beginning of The Next Generation."


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2010 ⏰

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