Cryoatic x Reader: A Sign from God - Part 1

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Reader x Cryoatic: A sign from god. Part 1
The following is a Reader x Cryoatic fanfic. If you'd rather read one with Pewdie in it, wait a couple months and I'll make one. 

 You awake to the sound of your alarm ringing, and curse the morning quietly before dragging yourself out of bed and into the bathroom. You slip out of your (color of pajamas) p.j.'s and hop into the shower, turning the cold water up on high to keep yourself awake. After washing the dirt and oil out of your (h/c) hair, you wash the rest of yourself off and get out of the shower. 
  You grab a towel off of the towel rack and dry yourself off quickly before checking the time. 10:50 a.m. 'Oh no!' You think. 'He's gonna be mad, and he'll take it out on me!' You quickly put on a t-shirt and blue jeans and comb out your (h/l), (h/c) hair before putting it up in a ponytail and slipping on your flip flops. You grab your phone off the night stand and check your messages. They were from (insert name of guy you absolutely hate). 

'Hurry up and get your ass down here, or you'll be in trouble!' 

  You gasp and run out the front door as fast as you can, sprinting down the street. You bump into a guy and fall backwards, shrieking in pain as you land right on your tail bone. Tears well up in your eyes as the pain grows larger.  
  The guy looks down at you with major concern on his face. "Oh my god,  are you ok?" He asks you. He lifts you up off the ground and holds on to your arm gently. You nod, not looking at him. He sighs and relaxes a little. "Good." He says. You look at him and sigh. "Sorry,  was in a hurry and I didn't see you there." You mumble. He smirks and says, "It's fine, friend. I understand." 
  You finally get a good look at his face. Brown, shaggy, hair hanging over a pair of beautiful blue eyes and a relaxed face. 'A little cute,' you think to yourself.
  He releases you carefully, making sure you can stand, which was difficult, but you did it, and he looks you over. He smiles at you. "What's your name?" He asks. You blush lightly as he looks you over and say, "(your first name), and yours?" "Ryan" he replies. You smile. "Nice to meet you." He nods and says the same.
  You talk with Ryan a little longer before he offers to take you for a drink as an apology for knocking you over. 
  "Just one drink, later tonight." He begs. You smile and nod. "Ok, here's my number, call me in a bit." You reply. He nods and you say your farewells before you continue to run down the street. You stop at an old, rundown, apartment. '(Name of guy you absolutely hate) is gonna be mad' you think. 
  You find his room number and knock on the door. It swings open, and you are grabbed by the arm. You are dragged in and slammed on the couch. "Where have you been?!" (Name of guy you absolutely hate) yells. He smacks you so hard, your face feels like its on fire. You cry loudly, hoping to be heard by someone. But, sadly, no one hears and you get smacked once again.
  "You were supposed to be here hours ago, you stupid girl!" He screams at you. You flinch as his face gets closer to yours and try to scoot away. He grabs your arm again and yanks you off the couch. "I'm sick and tired if you never getting here on time!" (Name of guy you absolutely hate) growls in your ear. "Either straighten up, or I'll make you hurt, bad!" You nod quickly, and his grip on your arm gets tighter. "Now get out of here. I want you here on time tomorrow! I ain't coming by tonight." He says and pushes you out the front door. You stumble to the ground and flinch as he slams the door shut. You stand up, gripping your arm where he had grabbed you so tight. 'It stings' you think. You stand up wearily and walk down to the park, trying to keep your mind off the pain. You are still crying a lot and that doesn't help the pain at all. 
  Your phone starts ringing in your pocket, so you pull it out and answer it, not even checking the number. "Hello?" You say and sniffle. "Hey, it's me, Ryan. You told me to call, so I did." You smile and say. "Yeah, I need someone to talk to, badly." Ryan chuckles a little. "What about?" He asks.
You take a deep breath and explain what happened back at (Name of guy you absolutely hate)s apartment. He gasps and starts panicking. "Are you alright?! I'll come find you, if you want!" You sigh and say,  "That'd make me feel better." 
  You ended up at the park a couple miles away from your house. "I'm at the park near where we first met. Me meet here, please." You say, not crying as much now. Ryan let out a small sigh. "Be there soon." He says and hangs up. You sat on the bench closest to the sidewalk and drift off into deep thought. 'Why do I stay with (Name of guy you absolutely hate), especially when he abuses me' You look at the bruises starting to form on your arm before shaking your head and turning your attention to the beautiful scenery of the park.
  A few puppies dash around, tackling each other playfully as their mother watches them. You smile at the thought of keeping one of the (insert dog breed here) pups. A couple of kids a little ways away from the puppies are playing tag, and they are giggling so much, you just have to laugh. 
  Then, you see a couple on the far side of the street, hand in hand, smiling brightly. You sigh. 'I wonder if I'll ever have a nice husband and kids, maybe a pet...' You think and cover your face with your hands. 'Oh god... Send me a sign of what's right...' "Please god..." You whisper. The tears start again and they don't stop. 

And then, along comes a sign...

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