Summoning the spirits

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Madam Bev started rubbing the Chrystal ball "Oh spirits send us a sign that you are here,"Bev said as she gestured for everyone to join in hands and close their eyes as they did so everyone joined in hands on the right Bill was joining hands with her and on the left Aldo was joining hands her as Ed,Oly and Waddle started joining hands with them

"Spirits I know your here,send us a sign,"Bev said as thunder started outside

"Spirits please answer,"Bev said once again then the lights went out then turned on again

Ed,Oly and Waddle we're shaking and shivering scared

"I guess that proves the spirits are here."Aldo replied

"I think we should wait a while,"Bill suggested

"Yeah your right,I'll get us some food from the kitchen for us to eat while we wait."Bev said in her normal voice as she got up and went to the kitchen "Don't forget milkshakes!"Waddle shouted out to her

Few seconds later

"Guys you might want to come in here and see this!"Bev shouted from in kitchen

Bill looked at his friends they all shrugged "Come on let's go in,"Bill suggested as they went in the kitchen and found Bev reading something on the wall it said 'Were listening...' Which was probably written by the spirits

"What does that mean?"Oly asked

"It means the spirits are here,"Bev replied in her madam Bevousky voice

"Oh come on Bev-...I mean 'Madam Bevousky' you think that spirits could've written this,anybody could've written this to scare us like Ed,Oly and Waddle...Right guys?"Bill asked the three brothers

"Erm um not really."they all said at the same time

"No way that could've been written by anybody,"Ed said creeped out by the message

"And if we did,we wouldn't write that."Oly replied

"Yeah come on bill I think it's that you don't think ghosts are real."Aldo suggested everyone nodded

"Okay fine,I don't think ghost are real."Bill said everybody looked at him"But we can summon them anyway,"he said in defeat

Few minutes later...

Everyone was sitting around the big round table once again about to summon the spirits they all joined hands and closed their eyes

"Spirits,send us another sign."Bev said

Thunder started the lights turned off for a second then they turned back on again the thunder stopped

"Do you think that worked?"Bill asked

They suddenly hear very low whispering and wind


They heard coming from the decoy cafe

"That's coming from the decoy cafe,"Bev said in a worried voice "I'm gonna go check it out,"she said as she left

"We'll go with you,"Bill replied as he left with Aldo following him leaving Ed,Oly and Waddle alone in the storage room

"What do you think? We should go with them?"Ed asked his brothers

"I don't know,I'm still creeped out by that message."Oly replied

"No way I'm going in there,"Waddle replied folding his arms

"Okay we won't go,"Ed said

They suddenly hear ghostly noises

"Uh never mind I'm going it's getting chilly in here how about you guys?"Oly said holding the door open

*Another ghostly noise*

"That's it ,I'm going!"Ed replied as him and Oly leave closing the door leaving Waddle alone who was not paying attention to anything that happened in the room

"I'm gonna get me a milks-."Waddle said being interrupted by his brothers dragging him out of the storage room "No! I'm feeling weak I'll wist away!"He said still being dragged out by Ed and Oly

(Author's note:Sorry for my chapters being short! I'll try to make them longer,)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2014 ⏰

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