"Well, maybe you're the reason I'd want them," she huffed, "and Ginny, red hair is cute Fred." She crossed her arm over her chest and leant back in her chair.

"Wait I am not cute," Fred said defensively trying to get her to quiet down. "I have a reputation," he muttered looking around the partially empty pub.

"Yes it is," she whispered back, "and in the Hufflepuff common room, I say we talk about you guys quite often, so there's no reputation to give up," she lied to test him, but he clearly saw through the lie.

"No," he gasped jokingly.

"Yes," she gasped echoing him. "And guess what, I wouldn't hesitate to tell everyone here how cute red-heads are."

"You wouldn't," he said causing Aster to smirk and gain random confidence.

She stood up and looked around the pub, only a few students were there, including Lance and Cedric sat in the corner. She cleared her throat loudly and tapped her glass with her wand, Fred's eyes widened and watched as his girlfriend spoke. "I'd like to make an announcement," Everyone turned to the two with confused and amused glances. "Redheads," she pointed to her boyfriend, "are pretty darn cute," she nodded her head and smiled, "thanks for your time." She sat back down and Cedric and Lance started giggling and clapping softly earning a glare from Fred and a thumbs up from Aster.

"Never dare you to embarrass me again," Fred muttered as he sulked in his chair, his head now running with ideas to embarrass Aster in front of a large group of people. "You're the worst."

"Yeah, but you love me," she smiled and sipped her drink, not realizing what she said.

"Yeah I do," he muttered honestly, "maybe I do love you."

"Maybe," she sputtered, trying to swallow her drink first, "maybe I love you too."


"Hey, Aster," Fred's voice sang. "How is the most beautiful person," he said loudly as they walked by a group of people.

Aster smirked, knowing what he was doing, she shrugged, "I don't know how is George," she giggled as he stopped walking and pouted.

"Hey," he muttered, grabbing her hand and tightly holding it as he walked with her, "I thought I was beautiful."

"I realize you're twins right?" Aster laughed as Fred's face lightened up a bit, "where is he anyway?"

"Sleeping in, he didn't sleep much after selling some things," Fred slipped out.

"Selling?" Aster's voice poked. "Fred why are you selling things," she whined.

"Money for our joke shop, Aster," he whined back. "It's the only way so mum doesn't know, so don't tell her," he said in a warning voice.

"I won't," she agreed, holding up her pinkie in a promise. As they walked by a bigger group of Gryffindors, Fred swung their intertwined hand so they could see.

"Oh gee, look at my absolutely amazing girlfriend," he loudly announced in an attempt to embarrass her.

"Oh gee, look at this adorable Gryffindork," Aster smirked as she ruffed Fred's hair at the perfect time when all the Gryffindors turn. The group giggle and point as Fred held a defeated look. Aster joined them in giggling, earning a groan from Fred.

"Aster, how do you end up embarrassing me when I'm trying to embarrass you," He rolled his head backwards in a sigh.

"I mean you can prank, but," she shrugged, "but I got this."

"And you can play the violin, and you can sing," he listed as they turned the corner into the Great Hall, where students have gathered around for breakfast.

"I can't sing," Aster countered. "I'm bloody shit at it," she argued.

Fred gasped and looked down at his girlfriend before they entered the Great Hall, "you said a bad word, are you alright?" He joked, placing his free hand on her forehead.

"Shut up, I'm hungry," she said, letting go of his hand and walking to the Hufflepuff table and sitting next to Lance who was talking to Cedric. The two immediately stopped talking and turned to Aster, "what?"

"You aren't going to talk about what happened yesterday?" Lance asked, "in the Three Broomsticks."

"Fred said I wouldn't, so I did it," Aster simply replied with a shrug.

"Yeah, but you also said you loved each other," Cedric added, "we heard that, and we know that was your first time saying it."

"Yeah, well," she started to say before there was loud talking behind her interrupting. The three turned around and saw Fred trying to gain everyone's attention, Aster sighed, knowing this wasn't good. "He's been trying to embarrass me ever since I said that in the Three Broomsticks," she informed the other two who nodded, "he hasn't been able to yet."

"Shocking actually," Lance muttered, still looking at Fred who cleared his throat, "knowing how quiet you are, don't expect that," he added, earning a light slap from Aster.

"Everyone, attention please," Fred smiled, looking around, even having McGonagall's attention. "As you may know, I have a girlfriend who I love so much," he said pointing to Aster, "I'd like to inform you all that she is the best and most amazing person you should totally worship her."

Aster sighed and quickly racked her brain to counter his statement and turn the tables, "Everyone," Aster quickly spoke loudly, standing up. Fred groaned and threw his head back, knowing that he wasn't going to win again. "I'd like to say that he and his family are amazing and that he is even cuter than he is better at pranking," Aster pointed to Fred, "let me give you a few examples, last week," she smirked causing his eyes to widen and rush over and cover her mouth.

A few people giggled at the sight and McGonagall smiled kindly at the pair as Aster tried prying off his hand. "Never speak about that," Fred whispered into her ear as she finally got his hand off her mouth.

"Speak about what?" She smiled as she sat down, "that time you forgot your sweater, so I let you borrow mine?"

"Aster," Fred whined dropping himself on her, his arms over her shoulders, "I said no."

"Fred, it looked like half a shirt on you, someone has to know," Aster whispered loud enough for Lance and Cedric to hear. They burst into giggles as they tried to eat their eggs and pretend they couldn't hear their conversation.

"No, no one really doesn't," he muttered into the back of her shirt, "I'm going to find out something and embarrass you," he mumbled, still not getting up.

"At least sit down and eat while you think," Aster groaned, now prying his hands off her shoulders.


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