Chapter 12

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Summer Pressure


"Oh I can't wait," Ron jumped up and down in his seat as Aster sat on the couch causing her to bounce, "so many things we can do at Hogwarts."

"Excited much?" Aster joked quietly, Ron glared at her as she innocently smiled.

"What classes are you taking?" He asked as he stopped bouncing.

"Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures," she told him with a smile, "I actually wanted to do Alchemy but that's not until the sixth year and might not be a class." She told him when Ginny entered the room, "Hello Ginny."

"Hello, we three should talk about the situation," Ginny got right to the point, making Ron stop jumping and look at the two girls questioningly, "you and Fred, of course."

"There's nothing to talk about," Aster said looking back at her book on charms. "End of conversation."

"Start of conversation," Ginny started again, "will you two ever date?"

"I don't know," Aster sighed, closing her book and giving up on reading, "maybe, hopefully," she said quieter, sinking into the couch.

"Then what I advise you to do," a voice from next to her said, startling her out of her seat. Aster put a hand over her heart and took a deep breath as he continued, "is ask him before Hogsmeade," George suggested, "it'd be perfect."

"I don't know," she replied with a quiet voice.

"Please," George begged, "he won't stop talking about you, my own twin is nuts about you, Aster," George kneeled in front of the girl, "please do it because he's too chicken to."

"Fine, just stop begging," Aster caved in, feeling uncomfortable, "I'll do it before the first trip to Hogsmeade," she looked at George. "I promise," she assured him holding out her pinkie.

For the rest of the summer holiday, after Aster had made the promise in front of the two witnesses, the siblings never let her forgot. When Fred and Aster sat, stood, or even glanced at each other, one of the three siblings would smile and earn a death glare from Aster. But little did she know, that Fred made an agreement with George and Ginny and Ron have a bet between who asks who out. Ginny thinks Aster will and Ron thinks they'll both chicken out.


"George and Fred Weasley," Aster raged from the kitchen, "get your bottoms down here and explain," she screamed interrupting everything in the house to see what happened. Multiple footsteps came down the stairs and everyone gasped at the sight of it. Aster wore bright green hair.

"Uh," Fred stood, shocked at what happened, "I wasn't me."

"Then who did it?" She screeched, everyone knew what colour she hated. And it was bright, bright, green. She tapped her foot impatiently looking around the room to see the twins with guilty and frightened looks on their faces.

The afternoon, let's say that they ended up with a fly swatter in their hands, honey in their hair, heavily duct-taped to a tree, and a lesson to never touch green paint and put it near Aster again.

"Ginny, it won't come out," Aster muttered after the third shower of trying to get her hair green free.

"I think it suits you," Ginny gave a smug smile, "or you can always dye it a different colour."

"Yeah, I thought about that," Aster said looking in the mirror, "I was thinking mahogany red." She looked at Ginny through the mirror who held a satisfied face.

"That would look really nice actually," she commented, "I think Fred would like it too." Aster rolled her eyes and turned around, "I'll be back," Aster started walking out the door, "or, do you want to join me, I might need an opinion on the colour."

"Yes," Ginny cheered, leaving with Aster.


"Oh Aster, dear, your hair looks wonderful," Molly complimented once the two girls entered the Burrow, back from getting their hair done. When Aster had her hair done, Ginny had gotten her nails did when she waited.

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley," Aster smiled, looking around to see Fred stopped mid-step on the stairs. Debating on whether to say something, Fred just waved and makes somewhat of a squeaking noise, his face turning red immediately.

"Your hair looks nice," he said trying to redeem himself, Ginny giggled behind Aster who glared at her.

"Thanks, Fred," Aster said with a nod, "let's go, Ginny," she nudged wanting to go up to their room.

"Aster," Ginny sang once they entered their shared room.

She glared at the red-headed sister, "don't say anything," Aster growled while plopping herself on her bed. Aster pulled a pillow over her face and made an agitated noise.

"Come on Aster," Ginny sighed, "go ask him now, you can clearly see he likes you."

"No," she responded shortly.

"Mom even thinks you two should date," Ginny pressed on.

"I'm not doing it yet," she contended. "You, mother, or any of your many brothers can't make me," she sat up, removing the pillow off her face, "and as far as I know, I agreed to do it before the first Hogsmeade trip, so I have time."


"Aster please just do it," Ginny whined as she pulled on the girl's arm a few days after the incident, "please," she squeaked even louder.

"Why do you want me to so badly, I'm sure you have records of it somewhere," Aster said confused.

"Because you're good at playing," Ginny argued back as she was dragged into the kitchen where some of the Weasley family sat. "Right guys?" She asked for back up and everyone stared at them confused, "she's good at playing the violin right?"

"Oh yeah," they all choired. Ginny looked back to Aster who held a sour face.

"Fine, let's go upstairs," she muttered, pulling her up the stairs into their shared room. As she got her instrument ready, Ginny sat on her bed, "what song?"

"That one that's with lavender," Ginny vaguely requested, Aster rolled her eyes with a smile but still nodded.

As she played, she hummed along with the song and only slightly swayed to the song. The room held a stream of the golden flowing through it, occupying Ginny as she touched it. Fred, George and Ron sat against the door listening together as well. That song was one of the first songs Aster learned and every time she played it, it reminded her of her mother. As the song was over, Ginny clapped and cheered with a gleeful grin that made Aster happy she played for her. Her smile, along with others, was her favourites.

"Another?" Ginny asked hopefully, Aster sighed and nodded as Ginny clapped, "thank you."


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