Chapter sixteen

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A/N: This chapter contains hint towards smut. But don't worry, no real smut (I'll leave that for some other story.)

"Tony!" Steve jumped up and kissed his boyfriend.

"You ready to go?" he continued.

"Yeah. I was just wondering, do you think Pepper will be there?" Tony sulked.

Steve frowned. He grabbed the brunette to a big hug, stroking his hair.

"Let's hope not. And if she is, then we'll just ignore her, okay?" Steve tried to comfort.

"Okay.." Tony nodded.

"Now let's get going", Steve said, but continued whisperin: "The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave?"

That made Tony light up. They started walking hand in hand, smiling and chatting.


"Heyy Steve! And Tony", John greeted, face dropping at Tony.

"Hey, how are you?" Steve asked.

"Good, good. Oh come on in!" John moved from the doorway.

While getting in, Steve whispered to John: "Is Pepper gonna be here?"

"Hell no! At least not my knowledge" John laughed.

Steve raised a brow: "I thought Pepper was joking when she said you aren't anymore?"

"No, she was damn right. I had enough of that, there are plenty of better girls", John waved his hand.

After that John disappeared to the party leaving Steve and Tony confused.

Steve glanced at Tony: "Well, I guess Pepper won't be a problem then."

"Well that's the best new today" Tony said with wide eyes, grinning then: "Now come on, let's enjoy the party!"

And they did.

"Are we for real the only ones in our group not acting like lovebirds?" Bucky grinned, referring to her and Natasha.

"No, I'm pretty sure Bruce, Thor and Sam are still single", Tony made a cheeky remark.

Bucky rolled his eyes, Steve and Natasha laughing.

"What's wrong with shoving my love towards this handsome guy?" Pietro cupped Clints face in his hands, making Clint blush.

Bucky clinged to Steve: "Oh, please, Stevie, love mee!"

Steve just laughed more at his bestfriend's imitation of Pietro and Clint, but a certain someone didn't like it so much. Tony crossed his arms while rolling his eyes.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to make you jealous", Bucky threw his hands in the air.

"Jealous?" Steve smiled.

The blondie pulled his boyfriend to a hug.

"Tonyy, it was just a joke", he tried not to laugh.

Tony looked away pouting. Steve gave a sad face, Then when Tony glanced at him, he gave Tony a big kiss on the cheek.

"Okay you're starting to yuck me more than mister lovebirds here", Bucky pointed at, you guessed it, Pietro and Clint.

Then everyone just laughed.

"Rogers! You must play with me!" Thor demanded.

He really liked playing Mario Kart. Steve was gonna go, but his arm was grabbed.

"Do you think.. We could go after you're played with Thor? I kinda have something I wanna do with you.." Tony asked, looking down.

"Oh, okay. Yeah, we can go, I'll just play a few rounds", Steve nodded.

"Wow, he left you alone?" Natasha smirked.

"Hey, watch it", Tony warned.

"Plus, we aren't together ALL the time", he added.

"Yeah sure", Natasha winked.

"But it's good to see you better", she admitted.

"Wow, you have feelings?" Tony fake gasped.

Natasha gave Tony a 'don't go there' glance. This time Tony laughed.

"No, sorry. Thanks for caring. You're a good friend Tasha", Tony thanked.

"And you're an idiot who needs to be looked after", Natasha grinned.

They stood there, watching people have fun. Life was pretty good, for both of them.

Steve was done caming: "Hey, shall we go?"

"Hm? Yeah, let's go. Have fun Tasha", Tony waved.

Steve waved too a good boy.


They went to Stark mansion.

"Your parents sure do travel a lot", Steve wondered.

"They do, but I'm used to that", Tone shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't you wanna go with them?" Steve asked.

"Steve, I have school. Plus I'm not that interested in being trapped with my dad", the brunette admitted.

"You really don't like your dad, huh?" Steve looked at Tony.

"No, but let's not talk about him", Tony grinned.

He sat on Steve's lap.

"Steve, you like me, right?" Tony drag his finger along the blondies chest.

"Yes?" Steve raised his brow.

Tony looked at Steve with lustful eyes. Steve felt a blush creep to his cheeks, so he turned his face away. That only gave Tony the perfect opportunity to kiss Steve's neck. A small moan escaped Steve's lips. Tony grinned. He gave Steve a small hickey, making Steve cover his mouth.

Tony got up: "Come, let's go to my room."

He took Steve's hand and lead the blondie to his room. He pushed Steve to the bed and climbed on top of him. They kissed, but soon Steve pulled away.

Tony looked a bit confused: "Sorry, are we moving too fast?"

"No, no. It's just.." it felt like words got caught in Steve's throat.

Tony frowned: "We don't have to, if you don't want. Or aren't ready."

"No, it's not that. I do want to. I mean, you're the best thing that has happened to me", Steve stroked Tony's cheek.

Tony placed his hand on top of Steve's: "And you're the best to me. A miracle, really. God, I just want to feel your body."

Steve blushed, but smiled.

"It's just that.. This is my first time.. Ever. Though I'm glad it's gonna be with you", Steve admitted.

Tony smiled gently: "We can go slow. As slow as you want, and we won't do anything you don't want to."

"But what if... I'm not good? Like, at all.." Steve worried.

"Honey, this is my first time with a guy too. Plus it'll be amazing 'cause it's with you", Tony assured, kissing Steve's hand.

For a brief moment they just gently smiled at each other. Then Steve grabbed Tony's hair and pulled him into a kiss. A passionate one. They started slowly stripping, never fully stopping the kiss.

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