Ichinose Kazuya X Reader

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"Kazuya!" And as soon as you had uttered those words you clamped your mouth shut.

You see, before Ichinose's departure back to America the both of you confessed your love to one another, and due to the fact that none of you fancied a long distance relationship you had decided that you won't establish one unless you meat again, though there was another reason as well... none of you had wanted to tie the other down or have them feel guilty if they had ever found love.

You shouldn't have, you absolutely shouldn't have called out his first name, especially with both Inazuma Japan and Unicorn present, after all he might have already loved another, maybe he had a girlfriend... And no matter how much it pained you to think of such you were ready for that scenario and wished him happiness. You might've been happy once you saw him training right then and there in no place other than Licott island (which of course meant his team made it and that they were going to participate in the FFIs) but such was no excuse for using his first name when the both of you still haven't established your current relationship.

In the midst of your paranoid thoughts, there was no way you could've noticed how Ichinose had left the ball and ran towards you, you only did notice once you felt his arms around you. That little gesture of his had assured you enough that you hadn't crossed any lines as you let yourself sink in his arms, perhaps even melt.

The team around you seemed confused and a few --No, literally only Kazemaru-- seemed to blush at witnessing such an intimate sight, of course they --he-- would, Japan was a reserved country after all.

Kidou cleared his throat and despite already having an idea of what was going on he asked, "Excuse me, if you two wouldn't mind, would you please explain?" His tone was of course polite as usual, ah, the ethics lessons must've paid off you found yourself thinking.

Ichinose --to your dismay-- let go of the hug and smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck "ah, well..." And you took this as your que and the both of you began explaining the events of that day.


After the whole Aliea Gauken ordeal Ichinose set to fly off to America, and of course Raimon eleven were there to send him off and provide him with their sencire wishes of 'best of luck', though soon enough all of them had left leaving the two of you alone.

As Clichè as it sounded you had fallen for the brown-haired male, and this might have been a 'See you soon' bit no one knows what the future holds so it might as well be a 'goodbye', and for the sake of mental reassurance you had to know if he reciprocated your feelings no matter how unlikely, and if he didn't... well, you had more than enough time to get over him, and with your mind set you started "uh--" you couldn't help the blush that spread over your cheeks "Ichinose-kun... just in case this was the last time we get to see each other, I just need to tell you that...." You couldn't say It, saying these three words face to face proved harder than anticipated come on Y/n! You can't back out now! And with those words of encouragement you gave yourself --if you even could call them that-- you managed to voice out --rather quietly-- the forsaken three words "I love you." For a Second there you feared that the desired Boy (in more than away) hadn't heard you until of course..

"I thought you'd never say that, I love you too..." this was bad, very bad.. things such as long distance relationships never worked out, other than that what if he found someone else there back in America? What if you did? Not that you questioned your love for him but that was what tended to happen in long distance relationships.

To your dismay but also relief (You honestly didn't know at this point your feelings were way too jumbled up for you to even guess) Ichinose voiced out your exact thoughts "But... I  don't want anything to happen, long distance relationships don't usually work out y'know, I value our friendship-- no I value you too much to risk losing you, other than that what if you found someone else, I'm not questioning our love I'm just stating a few what ifs, I don't want you to ever feel guilty for loving another just because you had promised to stay loyal to a person you don't even know if you'll ever see again... I don't want to the you down.."

You nodded in agreement and Ichinose was relived that you shared his opinion on the matter "I understand Ichinose-ku--"

"Kazuya, call me Kazuya for the moment"

You nodded as you smiled, a smile mixed with happiness, love, bitterness and sadness "I understand... Kazuya.." And oh his name rolled out of your tounge perfectly that you just fell in love with how it sounded.

He grinned at you and then... "Passengers of the flight b13 to America please make your way to Gate 3, I repeat, Passengers of the flight b13 to America please make your way to Gate 3." The speakers sounded.

"That's your flight huh?" You had asked sadly and he solemnly nodded.

"Guess this is a 'hope to see you' then?" He asked with a dry chuckle to which you mimicked his nod.

As he left all sad you had thought that no matter what you couldn't make him leave like that, you couldn't have what might be his last memory in Japan, his last memory of you be clouded by sadness and so in the spur of the moment you called out, "Kazuya!" And as soon as he spun around you were already inches away from his face, you pecked his lips gladly giving him your first kiss as well as the blushed that followed, thought unbeknownst to you his blush also his the same story. To your statsfication his swollen look had been replaced by a grin.

The both of you waved to each other goodbye with a silent wish of  a Second meeting held in your hearts.

Flashback end.

Realisation dawned on the team as they nodded at them finally understanding (Honestly by now the both of you had just given up at explaining to Endou who still held a confused look, poor Natsumi stuck with such an air-head who can only ever love soccer).


Lunar: this was requested byyy the lovely slash patient Mars_thecool-girl I also genuinely believe that she is indeed a cool girl!

Fudou: zzzzz

Lunar: right it's 3 am, I better go to sleep too.

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