Family Matters

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He had not been able to fly North with them last time that he had been here. Forrest having forced him to stay in the university with Castiel. Granted, with how the events of that trip played out it probably was best he had stayed behind. She was quiet, utterly focused on her own thoughts. She did not smile now and then like when she was talking to Castiel; her eyes focused forward as the landscape changed below them. She had said It was nearly a six-hour flight on dragon, but seeing as they were not on a dragon and in a jumper, the trip was considerably quicker.

Soon enough, he could make out the dark towers in the distance, as the snow began to fall thicker. "That is Cathkarta." He jumped slightly, when she spoke, but nodded "Where will we be heading?" he asked, as they passed over the remains of the wall that surrounded the city. The city was massive; he could say larger than Atlantis by a big margin. The buildings that still somewhat stood had that Atlantis look but was without a doubt evolved away from the exact architecture. "Head for the North West corner of the city please." The tone of her voice was flat. He had never really seen her like this. "Are you going to tell me where we are going and why?" He finally asked it, as the cloaked jumper flew easily against the snow outside. She was quiet, before looking down at her hands. "I would like to say goodbye to some family." *You sure you will be able to explain it?* Castiel's ever familiar voice in her head as she spoke the words. *I think I can.* She was met with a pause, *We are getting ready to fly back with the first wave, we will be having them stay inside the university shrank down. That way the others do not have to worry about having to stay in the jumpers with them.* he gave her the information he had gathered, and she smiled lightly. *good, take care*. Carson understood now, at least slightly where they might be heading. She had, after all, said her parents died before the Wraith came. But as they flew across the fallen city, he could not make out anything that looked like a cemetery. He flew lower, looking at the massive houses that seemed to dominate that section of the city. "That house there." She pointed to a large single level house. "There is nearly six feet of snow on the ground." He said as he flew closer, but she smiled lightly. "On the western side, there should be an overhanging parking area. It is big enough for the jumper." He listened, as she had described the jumper easily fit under the overhang. He set down the small ship, now more curious seeing as this was no burial ground. She stood in silence, before walking to the back of the jumper as the door opened. "Where are we?" he jumped up to walk after her, as she walked out and onto the stone covered parkway. She smiled softly at him, as she motioned him to follow after. She led him to the large front stairs, the design impressive. "I have come here, to say my goodbye, and tell you more of my tale."

They had all been rummaging around the ruins close to the jumpers, while there was not much to find they had managed to enjoy the snow a little. Seeing as they rarely found any planets with this much, it had become a bit of a game to everyone present. Snowballs were thrown half-assed at one another as they waited for the first wave of dragons. Lorne had even managed to find a chunk of steel, and a small hill in the debris field, attempting to sled. John understood the entertainment; snow had not been something they had enjoyed in some time. It never hurt, to allow them all to be kids again.

John looked up into the dark sky, able to hear the call of Malco as he neared. He could just hardly make out the large black shadow, and soon enough he could make out those that followed him. There were probably another 30 dragons flying behind him as he led the way. Lorne and the others quick to stop, and watch as they made their approach. Forrest had said, every color and pattern you could imagine, a dragon came in. She was not lying. He quickly made out Castiel and Malco. Others falling behind as they all began to land. The snow on the ground once again air born as the dragons' wings created a downdraft of air. Once they were on the ground, John was able to see the others. Dragons shrank down, all across the larger dragon's backs. They had shrunk down and clung to the larger dragons. They began to bail off quickly, as Malco began to trill and chirp his commands. The smaller masses of dragons following him towards the university, as Castiel shrank down and walked over to him. The dragon pulling the tablet he used from the small bag that Forrest had created for him. 'This will be one of three waves. Malco is having everyone stay sized down, inside the university. To ensure they are blocked by the snow, they all know better than to get in your way.' He explained while everyone watched the mass of dragons. John could see that some were not doing the best, they were thin and weak. 'Those of us strong enough to fly carried those who could not.' He nodded, watching as one dragon stood out against the white snow. It had a pattern like a leopard; it's body and wings a bright shade of blue. Like Castiel, it's stomach and horns glimmered, only a bright white. It had grown and was gently picking up a few of the smaller sized dragons that struggled to move in the snow. "That's good to know." "Sir look at that one." Lorne next to him, his gaze holding to a mass in the snow. One of the last dragons to unload its passengers was stunning. It had a metallic body, like Malco, only white. Across its body ran golden rune patterns, with its horns the same shade. Then the wings seemed almost translucent; they were a deep gold like the runes only they could nearly be seen through, and looked like stained glass. As it shrank down, they could all see the long and jagged scar that ran up the front shoulder, and onto the base of the wing." They took a hit." 'Rikarie was one of the dragons on the front line when the Wraith came. She was gravely wounded, Forrest managed to fix her up.' The dragon wrote, seeing their interest in the female Stinger.

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