A Great Shadow

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He had explained that he wanted to tell her himself what he had found and that Rodney should do the same. It was one thing to learn about how important one's genetics could be, but learning that your world's population was meant as a weapon was something else entirely. He had not planned yet how to tell her his side, though Rodney had made it very clear he was going to be cut and dry with what he had to say. Would it be best that way, he had no idea. She was a doctor just as he was, and he often felt the others forgot that about her. Teyla and Ronon were different than she was, she came from an advanced culture, and had a similar understanding of how things worked that they did. She would want to know they why, the how, and all else that came with his news. It would not be as simple as he had explained it to the others, it would be a few hours long discussion with her going over the results alongside Castiel.

"So why exactly are they landing on the South Pier?" Elizabeth was walking side by side with John and Carson. "Malco is not used to shrinking onto such a small target from flight. Plus, with his condition, it would be safer for him to land full sized." He explained as John smirked. "You think Castiel is big, wait till you see Malco." The doctor rolled his eyes, realizing someone had drifted back to the "Great military Asset" view he had a few months prior. "Well, I guess I will get to see in full force what to expect." Elizabeth had to admit, right now she was quite interested in what all their new found allies had to offer. While military and medical aid was already a great start, she could only imagine what else they would be able to figure out. "He is much more intimidating when it good condition. I would say a month from now he will be back to the way he was when we first met him." Carson explained as they walked out of one of the doors. The salty wind hitting them as it always did, looking out onto the pier and to the endless ocean. In the distance, they could make out the dark form of Malco as he glided towards them, with Castiel hardly visible just in front of him. "Feels like something out of a fantasy movie." The Scottish doctor next to her laughing ever slightly. "You do not have to deal with a dragon spending 80 percent of his day asleep on the bloody floor of the infirmary." John looked over at him curiously, "You three spend a lot of time together." He knew exactly where the other man as going, as he glanced sideways at him. "We work together, what do you expect?" "No I mean, you eat together constantly, I am pretty sure you both wake up at the same time..." "Enough." Elizabeth stopping him before he could continue harassing Carson on the matter, knowing full well the doctor next to her had no idea how to counter the Colonel's pestering.

She watched as Castiel came in first, his wings locked as he let his hind legs land first, his front end following as he trotted forward with his momentum. Large, feathered wings curling into his body as he got out of the way of Malco, who was close behind him. Forrest's head poking up between the grey and green dragon's horns as they turned to look up at Malco. They were right when they said Malco was much larger than Castiel. He was a great black shadow, as he flew closer to the open pier. She had felt a bit of wind from Castiel's landing, but as the more massive dragon got closer, the air he kicked up was considerable. She could feel a slight rumble, as his paws hit the surface, leaving her slightly in awe. He was big and meant to be larger. The idea that there were more like him had given her a new found hope, that maybe there were still things out there that were built by the ancients, just waiting to be discovered. Forrest swung down from the saddle, Castiel quickly shrinking down and landing on her shoulders as she walked over to the others. "How was the mainland?" Sheppard asking her as they watched Malco shrink down as well, only maintaining the mid-sized form the dragons seemed to prefer when around people. "Good, it is the first time he has had a full stomach in a long time." She explained as they walked back into the tower. Malco was curiously watching Elizabeth; she could see in his eyes how he longed to know if she had concluded. She smiled, as she paused to look directly at the dragon. "Malco, I would like to say that your request has been approved. We will be heading back to the conference room to discuss how we can start bringing your people over." She did not draw out the message, as she smiled. The black dragon looked at her, and much to her shock he came forward, his solid front arms wrapped around her shoulders as his wings extended. He hugged her; the colossal dragon hugged her tighter than she had ever been hugged before. She did not know how even to take it, as the dragon began to pretty much purr.

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