Chapter 1: The start of the end

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Three years later.

The bell towers of the school towered over everyone that entered the entrance. The large entrance to the school stood tall like a castle gate. Several Stone gargoyles sat on the school towers and ledges each made with hard rough cement. The shadows of the gargoyles towers over students as they enter the school grounds. Henry stood under the shadow of one such gargoyle. He looked down at the shadow smiling. A pearly white grin appeared in the shadow, smiling right back at him as he continued to walk into the school. Students all stood in the hallways of the school courtyard. Each student where talking and catching up after the long break. As Henry entered the hallway everyone stopped. Henry had rose the ranks of the school becoming head boy of the school. His prideful nature and help of his abilities also helped. He walked the school ground as no one dare spoke. On boy who was new to the school started to laugh as he readjusted his tie. Henry shot a glance at the boy. The other boys around him backed away as he just looked up at Henry.
" Hey man what are you looking at" He looked straight at Henry then at the boys he just stood with. They all backed away and started to try to apologise to Henry.
" Sorry Henry he's new and doesn't understand how things work yet."
Henry looked down at th boy who was not backing down.
" Hey kid what's your name" Henry smiled at the boy. The other kids looked at the boy.
" Names Noah KID and who do you think you are" He shot back at Henry. Henry looked down at the boy and walked off as he smiled.
" I like you Noah. I expect good things from you but change that tie and look at least respectable." And with that comment Henry continued his walk to the club room. The boys who were around Noah started to hit him on the shoulder.

Henry reached the club from and entered.  The room had several white comfy couches.  A kitchen which had a microwave, coffee maker, multiple glass cupboards that rested over a sink. On the other side of the room stood a desk with several papers laying on it. As expected Owen layed down on the chair sleeping. Henry walked over to Owen slapping his head.
" Wake up sloth it's still 8 o'clock in the morning. We haven't even been here for an hour. " Owen groaned rubbing his eyes. Henry walked over to the coffee machine and grabbed a mug out of the glass cupboard and placed it under the machine. A dark brown liquid poured into the mug as Henry looked at owen and sighed. Owen had started to get up from the couch, his hair was all messed up and stuck up like crazy. His irons shirt had crinkles and tie hung around his neck.
" Owen your no exception to the rules clean yourself up before anyone else sees."
Owen looked down at his shirt and tie and slid his hand through his hair.
" It's fine I'll wait for your sister to get in she'll fix it." Owen smiled as he fell back into the lounge. Henry rolled his eyes taking a sip of his coffee sitting down at the bench of the kitchen. Kate came rushing in slamming the dirt. She rushed over to Owen sitting next to him spouting of some gossip she just received from the girls and guys of there year. She quickly got to cleaning up Owen appearance as he yawned.  Ever since the incident Kate never needed her old glasses and now could retain anything she wanted. This meant she spent most of her time taking in all information she could ever receive. Her and Owen have been dating ever since the incident. Henry looked out the window of the clubroom. The shadow of the bell tower overtook most of the school car park which Henry never mined. His look though was interrupted by Elizabeth who had just walked into the room yelling.
" Henry Everlock who do you think you are. " Elizabeth entered the room screaming as usual.  Her fiery red hair and brown eyes burned when she was angry. The bear symbol growed red when she used her powers which was whenever she was with Henry.  Elizabeth tried to make Henry angry but he stood calm and collected.
" What now Elizabeth, by the way are you still continuing with that sorry act of a power against me" Henry stirred Elizabeth up as he usually does. Kate and Owen watched from the couch. Owens blond hair was now tamed and his shirt had somehow lost all wrinkles.
" You want to know what you did Everlock. I'll tell you, you praised some random kid and now this kid has got some popularity even though he just moved here."
Henry looked at Elizabeth displeased. His lion symbol glowed a bright yellow as the room started to be covered in shadows. Kate grabbed Owen and began to get ready to do their normal routine.
" Everlock you really annoyed this morning aren't you bring the big boys out so early." She was laughing Henry on the other hand had a straight face.
" I'm sorry Miss Rose that you do not understand praise but when it's due it's due. It was for that boy but if he needs a reality check I will sure be able to do that."
Elizabeth grew more angry and started to glow more. Massive rays of red aura shot out of her all directed at Henry. One such ray flew past Henry cutting his cheek. Henry closed his eyes. The darkness then extended through the room. A pearly white smile appeared in the dark. It smiled at Elizabeth as it started to move towards her. They both were stopped by the opening of Kate's mouth and a much more bigger and mucilly version of owen grabbed Henry and Elizabeth . Owens shirt and pants started to rip from his new form as he sighed.
" Sorry Kate I probably should have taken these off." Kate started to suck in the shadow cast by Henry and Elizabeth's wraith rays into her mouth. Both Henry and Elizabeth lay unconscious on the floor as Kate wiped her mouth. Owen stood now back in his normal form in blue boxer briefs. Kate laughed as she walked over to Owen.
Owen playfully lifted his arms in a way to show the muscles he did not have. Kate grabbed him and kissed him on the cheek.
" Good work Baby, now let's actually get you in cloths before the others come in." At that very moment Jessica opened the door with two guys on each of her arms.
The guys raised their eyes at the almost naked boy in front of them.
" Not packing much are we kid" on of the guys playfully stated as the other laughed.
Owen got all red and before Kate could open her mouth Jessica waves her hand at the guys.
" You guys bore me. Leave now" She said it in a harsh tone as the two guys rushed out.  She smiled at Kate and rubbed Owens blonde hair. She then looked over at Elizabeth and Henry frowning.
" That's the 6th time this month, poor Owen actually has to do something." She pouted towards Owens way causing him to smirk. Kate quickly shut that down giving a dirty look at Jessica and Owen.
" Yes my brother and Elizabeth do get in a lot of fights, but at least we help. Now where the hell is kain when you need him." Jessica laughed at Kate with the attempt to throw shade. Owen sat relaxing in the middle of the room not picking up on the underlying tension of the room. After about 10 seconds of silence kain enters the room.
" Ahhhhhh again what's this the 5th time this month" Kate and Jessica quickly corrected him with the sixth time. Kain looked down at Owen who was now covering is lower regions.
" Umm do you think I could get a uniform soon it's a bit chilly down here." Kain quickly got to work. He looked at Henry's uniform who was still unconscious as a stable point. His symbol in his eye the fox  then quickly glew yellow. In kains hand a new uniform had formed. Kate quickly grabbed the uniform thanking kain pulling Owen into the other room. The group now all stood in the club room. As the bell rang Henry and Elizabeth started to regale conciseness. Jessica stood above them her snake was glowing a bright blue. She was stroking her hair changing the colour finalising on auburn brown.
" wake up kiddies, Henry you have to make a speech at the opening ceremony remember " Jessica slapped Henry then Elizabeth pushing them up to their feet pushing them out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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