Chapter 70. - Epilogue

Start from the beginning

Braylee had gone to Central Michigan University after high school and completed her four year degree. She got hired by her dad right away to work at his business and it sounds like she loves it. Which, I kind of always knew she would even though she denied it from the git go. From the little bit I know about her work, she helps out with the finances and business deals. She's given opportunities to travel the world and such, creating basically a dream come true. And on top of all that, Uncle Jackson's office is here in Chicago so Braylee actually lives pretty close to me. We debated living together, though we both threw that out the window because of our opposite schedules and the fact that she's really messy. I do love that she's only about two blocks away, though.

Candice did end up going to the University of Michigan after high school, going to school for a pediatrician. After six years, she graduated and now works at the U of M medical office. She and Xander got married shortly after she graduated, and the wedding was just as beautiful as she wanted. Not to mention she chose Braylee and I as her maid of honors because she has no sister and didn't want to have to choose between us. I was honored and so was Bray.

Also, as far as my romantic life, it's basically non-existent. With my busy lifestyle, I haven't really been thinking about finding a relationship; when the time is right I feel it will happen. I had a short little fling with a man from my Bio class sophomore year of college, but that didn't last long, we were far too different. I don't really mind, though, all that's important to me right now is exceeding at my dream of becoming a trauma surgeon.

"Bitch!" Braylee screams and I flinch, trying to push her away when she runs at me. "You look fucking sexy! Where the hell did you get that dress?"

I roll my eyes, but smile at her compliment. "Not sure, I've had it for a while."

"You're one sexy trauma surgeon," Candice nods, giving me a thumbs up.

"In training," I emphasize. I'm very particular about everyone's wording on my job, my parents do it all the time, and I just don't want to jinx anything. So, I always add "in training" to make it known.

"Shut up," Bray slaps my arm and I laugh. "We all know you are going to be one, so why not say it? Plus, she's right. I can just picture the role play you'll have when you get a boyfriend."

I blush and push her away, going to grab a small clutch for my debit card, cash and phone. "We should probably get going, you know how the line is on Friday."

Bray and Candice agree, so I grab their empty wine glasses and place them in the sink before we go out. After locking the door behind me, we walk the short distance to the club, the flashing lights indicating it is up and running. Like I had expected, the line is awfully long for as early as we get here.

"I feel like," Bray starts. "With the amount of times that we come here, we should get a VIP pass. Not to mention how much we pay for drinks."

Candice giggle and nods. "Maybe you can use your successful business skills to persuade the owner of that. Do you think a subtle or seductive approach will work better?"

I can't help but laugh at this, though Braylee doesn't find it as amusing. She rolls her eyes and flashes the bird at Candice.

"Very funny, Candy," she sarcastically cheers. "But neither. All I'm thinking about right now is a sexy ass man and my pussy."

"With the amount of times you talk about getting laid," I input my opinion, because why the hell not? "You probably shouldn't be needing to get laid."

The line moves up about five inches.

"Since we're on the topic," Braylee says with an attitude and I raise an eyebrow with a smirk. "My sexual need level is constantly at a ten, and has been since I was like fifteen. Unlike you, I can't just have sex with one guy and be completely fulfilled."

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