Chapter One

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"Mr. Hopkins." The teacher in front of the white board spoke loudly enough to distract Alex from his thoughts.

Alex's eyes shot from the window to the front of the room as his head rested upon his hand.

"If you do not want to be here, you may leave." The teacher spoke once again to Alex.

"Sorry." Alex mumbled as his picked his head up from his hand and began to quickly scribble notes into his notebook.

All Alex was thinking about was what he was going to do when he got home from school. He was probably going to lay in his bed and watch porn. What else do teenage boys do?

Alex started to tap his pen on the notebook and bounce his knee up and down as his eyes flicked back and forth from the clock to the white board.

Twenty more minutes passed and the bell finally rung. He packed up all of his stuff into his backpack and checked his phone. It was blowing up with texts from his best friend Jacob about some new game that had recently been released. He rolled his eyes thinking, why couldn't he have waited until class was over to tell him.

As he exited the class he saw Jacob standing in the hall texting on his phone. Alex walked over and shoved him with his elbow.

"Yo did you get my texts!?" Jacob exclaimed as they continued to walk down the hall.

"I sure did." Alex replied raising his eyebrows keeping his focus on the floor in front of him.

"How can you not be more excited? We've been waiting for this release for like ever!" Jacob turned his body towards Alex.

"Don't worry i'm excited." Alex told Jacob looking at him this time.

"You have a very funny way of showing it." Jacob replied grabbed the straps of his bag near his shoulders.

The two boys wandered all the way down the the lunch room where they met up with a few of their other friends. They sat down in the booth with them.

"Guys guess what." Alex's friend Matt told the group.

"What happened this time Matt?" Jacob asked grabbing his lunch out of his bag.

"Hailey and I had sex." He mentioned waiting to see everyone's reactions.

"Damn didn't you meet her last week?" The other boy at the table, Ben asked.

"Yeah, she was good in bed though." Matt raised one brow as Jacob gave him a disappointing look.

"What's up with you, hows your sex life?" Ben asked Alex who was eating and listening to the conversation.

"Me?" Alex questioned in a surprised manor.

"Yes I am talking to you." Ben nodded giving him a quizzical face.

"Well, I guess I haven't really met the right girl you know, uh, to have sex with." Alex swallowed a lump in his throat. He definitely did not enjoy talking about how he was the only virgin, other than Jacob, left in his senior class.

"Oh shit, I forgot you're still a virgin." Ben giggled a little.

"Damn thanks." Alex looked around to see if anyone heard or was looking.

"Im here too." Jacob chimed in.

"You too? Damn you guys need to get laid." Ben judged shoving more food into his mouth.

"Can we not talk about this?" Alex said as he felt his cheeks getting warmer.

"How do you not want to talk about this? Isn't this all you're thinking about? When I first found out sex was a thing that was all I wanted to do." Ben mentioned waving his hands around.

"I guess I never think about it- of course I fucking think about it!" Alex started to raise his voice.

"Damn okay Alex." Jacob commented.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you're feelings bro." Ben honestly told Alex.

"No you know what, I'm gonna get laid before you Jacob." Alex challenged putting his fist on the table in anger.

"What? Are you challenging me?" Jacob smirked.

"No but I know i'm going to get laid before you so you guys can't make fun of me anymore." Alex explained glancing at all of his friends.

"You know what, I bet that I will have sex before you." Jacob replied back smiling at Alex.

"Oh so now you're making this into a bet?" Alex asked.

"Yes whoever has sex first by the end of this school year, which is about two months, wins two hundred dollars from the other person." Jacob stuck out his hand.

"Deal." Alex confidently took his hand and shook it.

"Wait you guys are serious?" Matt laughed.

"Very." Jacob glared at Alex sending chills down his spine.

"Wow virgins are fucking weird." Matt raised his eyebrows and continued to eat.

"See exactly what I am talking about." Alex points out at Matt's comment.

"No offense but, I really don't know who will want to hookup with an 18 year old virgin." Matt smiled flicking through his instagram on his phone.

"Can you have a little faith in us?" Jacob asked throwing a grape at him.

"It's kinda hard to." Matt gave him an unsure look.

"It's not like people have to know i'm a virgin." Jacob explained.

"Well I don't think people are going to assume you've had sex before." Matt raised his brows.

"Alright Matt." Ben stopped him before he said anything worse.

"I don't think people are going to assume you've had sex either." Jacob replied back.

"Oh please, I've had girlfriend for three years. I'm pretty sure people know i've had sex." Matt laughed at Jacob's comment.

"Sure, okay." Jacob said giving him a fake smile.

Alex looked around the lunch room looking for potential hookups but every girl in the grade is too out of his league.

The bell rung for last period and all the students began to file out of the large room.

Alex had study hall with Ben in the lunch room for the last period so they stayed in their spots as they said goodbye to their friends.

The cafe got quieter and soon the only sound was the janitors moving around the large garbage bins.

"Do you actually think Jacob is going to get laid before you?" Ben asked taking  his headphones out from the backpack.

"It's hard to say. We are both terrible at talking to girls but I feel I am more attractive than him. But also, he is more outgoing than I am so it's kinda hard to tell who will win." Alex truthfully explained.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I mean you could easily hookup with some desperate junior if you wanted just to win." Ben told him.

"Yeah I guess I could but that would be weird." Alex thought.

"What if I find someone I actually like and don't want to rush the relationship to have sex?" Alex asked resting his chin on his hand.

"Well, you might just have to lose then if it doesn't happen quick enough." Ben sighed shrugging his shoulders.

"I mean a good relationship is worth losing two hundred dollars right?" Alex asked.

"I guess it depends on who you fall in love with." Ben told him.

"I bet it won't happen though. I'm gonna win."

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