chapter 2

12 1 6

written on 7/10/18

"kennedy! welcome to the office!", my aunt greeted me as i walked in.

today is my first day of working at my aunts office. i'm really hoping this will keep my mind off of josh.

"thank you so much for this opportunity sherri!"

"of course dear! i would much rather have you assisting than some bitch i can't communicate with", she said, referring to her last assistant.

she showed my around the office. the filing cabinets were the main area i'd be working in. after explaining the filing process, she requested that i go on a coffee run.

"i was in a rush this morning and didn't get my coffee. take this money and get two vanilla lattes for me and sarah. then get whatever you would like."

i walked out to my black honda civic and headed to the nearest starbucks. our local starbucks didn't have a drive thru, so i went inside to order the coffees. after waiting in line for a few minutes, it was finally time to order.

"hi, can i get two vanilla lattes please?", i ordered.

"yes, anything else?", the cashier asked cheerfully.

"yes, a double chocolate chip frap. that's all", i said.

after paying for my drinks, i stood to the side and waited for my name to be called.

"kennedy", the worker called.

"that's me, thank you!", i grabbed the coffees and headed outside.

i felt my phone buzz in my pocket. walking towards the door, i pulled it out the see who texted me.

as i stepped out the door, phone in hand, i ran into someone and spilled the coffee. leave it up to me to do something like that.

"shit, i'm so sorry", a curly headed boy said as he bent down to pick up the spilled cups.

he was quite cute.

"no, it's my fault. i wasn't looking where i was going", i said, mentally punching myself in the face.

"i'll buy you fresh ones, if that's alright", he said.

"okay, thank you", i smiled.

"no problem. what's your name?", he said as we walked back inside.

"i'm kennedy. and you are?", i asked.

"i'm wyatt. wyatt oleff."

"how come i've never seen you around?", i asked him.

"i moved here after school let out. i'll be a new student at richmond high this year", he explained.

"oh cool, i'm a rising junior there", i said.

"me too!", he said.

after talking for a bit, i re-ordered my coffees and wyatt paid for them. he also got himself a double chocolate chip frap (my favorite). we talked more while waiting for our drinks.

"you're cool. what's your snapchat? we should be friends", he said.

i gave him my snapchat username and he typed it into his phone. i felt my phone vibrate, signaling that he added me.

"i'll snap you in a bit", i said as we walked to our cars.

"okay, i'll be expecting it", he said.

i hopped back into my car and drove back to the office.


after work, i headed back home. my mom and dad were both at work so i'd be home alone for a while.

when i got home, i headed to my room and changed into some leggings and a big shirt. home time is cozy time in my book. after changing, i decided to snapchat wyatt.

i took a picture of my eyebrows up and captioned it "hey wyatt 👋🏼".

i sat and stared at my phone for a second, then he replied.

he sent a decent selfie captioned "hey ken, what's up".

i smiled, then decided to just go for what my mind was telling me to ask him. he seems like a nice guy and i am in need of a friend right now so i don't crumble back into sadness. instead of taking a picture, i just went into the chat.

kennedy: are you busy?

he opened the chat within seconds.

wyatt: nope, i'm chillin.

kennedy: do you want to come over to my house? i'm bored af right now.

wyatt: of course! what's your address?

kennedy: *insert address*

wyatt: okay, on my way :))

let's hope this goes okay.


ayyyyy kennedy and wyatt met woo hoo!

i feel like this story is kinda stupid but idk i'll keep writing it aha

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