Chapter 13: Last of Their Kind

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(A/N: Okay, I think I'm probably going to go through episodes chromatically for the rest of season 1, so I'm not going to put the episode number unless there is more than one in a chapter.)

(Also enjoy Last of Her Kind - Nightcore by Alec Benjamin!)

Third Person POV: The Sheriff's Office

Emma hands David a cup of coffee. "Thanks," he says as Emma sits on her desk. Raven leans against the glass barricade around the office. "I hope Kathryn's somewhere warm," David comments, "Not out in the cold." 

Emma pauses a moment before speaking. "David," she explains, "I think you need to start worrying about yourself a little bit more. Your wife is missing. You are in love with another woman. There's this... unexplained phone call." Emma holds up the papers Sidney had given her. 'Why does she not believe the ones I gave her? I'm her Deputy, she should trust me,' Raven thinks to herself.

'Well,' Riker says in her head, 'You did break out of prison with unexplained supernatural strength.' Raven shakes her head as David continues to defend himself. He exclaims, "I know, I just... I can't explain why it says that." He stares at Emma, turns to Raven, then back at Swan. "I didn't hurt my wife." 

"I'm pretty good at spotting a liar," Emma retorts, "And honestly, liars have better material." David sighs with relief when he realizes that Emma believes him. "Now go home," she commands.

"I can go?" David asks with confusion.

Raven opens the door. "We don't even know if there was a crime yet," she explains, "So get some sleep." David stands as he thanks them.

"And David," Emma suggests before he leaves, "maybe... get a lawyer." David looks at the sheriff with a sad face. He turns and exits the office.

Raven's POV: In the Woods

I sat in the middle of the woods near a small village. I had been called to deal with a small wolf problem that was scaring the village. So, what did I do? Well, I brought my hybrid friend, of course. Felix was off in the woods searching in his wolf form, while Peter held my hand walking next to me. "Well, Mrs Pan," he explained, "I did not think this is how we would be spending what was supposed to be our honeymoon."

"I know," I explained, "It's just... If this is really a werewolf problem, they would be one of the last werewolves alive. I can't let any vampire hurt them. We have to save them. That's why we are approaching them slowly to keep them calm and comfortable."

"By sending a gigantic werewolf to find them?" he said with a laugh. He nudged me, hoping I would laugh. Once he realized I wasn't, he exclaimed, "Sweetheart, if anyone can find them, it's Felix. You know who he is to them. He won't let you down." He pulled me in for a hug. We embraced, then I shivered. Unlike my brother, who was a pyromancer and did not get cold, I was freezing. "Let's get you inside." We looked up at the moon. "Felix will find it on his own."

By the Storybrooke Library

Emma and I are walking down the street with Mary Margaret. We talk about how bad she and David look because of Kathryn's disappearance. It's not like they did anything; I know that much. As we walk past the library, we spot Ruby talking to Doctor Wale. 'Uh oh,' I think to myself, 'This isn't good, for Ruby or me.'

Wale is insisting on trying to take Ruby for a ride. "Doctor Wale?" Mary Margaret says.

"Mary Margaret. Emma." He sees me and takes a step backwards. "Miss Gold. ...hello there." In an awkward moment, he exclaims, "I was just having a talk with Ruby, but I should..."

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