I Just Love You

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Twiggy's POV (Mechanical Animals Era)

I lug the basket full of clean clothes to Brian and I's room. I place the basket on our bed. I take a seat next to the basket and I begin to fold our clothes. My love is out and about. He said he has to 'take care of business'. Whatever that means... He's been gone for a while now. I sigh and continue to fold our clothes. I love living here with him. We've been dating for about a year now. Also, we made our relationship public at our closing show on the tour a couple of months ago. Our relationship is going well. Brian is very good to me. Once the clothes are folded I begin to place them in our dresser. I carefully slide open the first drawer. I neatly place our shirts in there. I then jump from the sound of our door being slammed closed. I hear Brian mumble a few profanities under his breath. I hear his footsteps grow louder the closer he gets.

"Jeordie?" he calls out with a hint of anger in his voice.

"I'm in here, babe!" he barges into our room. He looks pissed as ever. "Babe, what's wrong?" I ask and go up to him. I kiss him, but he doesn't respond.

"Nothing." He mumbles. A frown forms on my face.

"You know you can talk to me." I whisper. I nervously chew on the end of one of my dreads. It's a dirty habit of mine when I'm nervous or scared. He rolls his eyes and grabs a clean towel from the bed to which I folded.

"I'm going to take a shower." He says and walks out. I let out a shaky breath. Why is he mad? Did I do anything wrong? I take a seat slowly back to the bed. Perhaps I caused this. I let my legs dangle from the tall bed. But what did I do? I ponder on my thoughts jumping from different things. I hear a few crashes come from the bathroom. I close my eyes tightly. I hate it when he's mad. I scoot to the head of the bed and curl up. He scares me. I know he would never ever hurt me in any way, but who wouldn't be scared of a six foot man? I tap my finger against my knee, repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Brian. For whatever the fuck I did." I apologize under my breath. I slip off the bed and I walk to the bathroom, nervously. I hesitantly knock on the door softly. "B-Brian?" I call out with my small voice. After a few more soft knocks I decide to just come in. I open the door and step in. The humid air wraps around me with warmness. "Babe, look... I'm sorry if I caused you to get mad. I-I don't know what I did. Just please tell me-"

"It wasn't you." He says breaking my sentence off. I hear him sigh out. "It wasn't you." He mumbles.

"Whats wrong?" I ask and step closer to the shower. I avoid the broken glass of a few items that he broke from his anger. "Hm?" I lean up against the door of the shower. The clear glass door only gives away a silhouette of him from the moist air clouding it up. "I wanna help." I say with my voice cracking.

"Can you come shower with me?" he asks. I slip off my shirt and boxers. I open the door and a few water droplets fall onto my skin and it soon pours down all over once I'm completely in. I look up at my lovely boyfriend. He gives me a crooked smile. He leans down and kisses me softly. "I'm sorry I was angry." He mumbles into our kiss.

"Bri, tell me what's wrong," I pull away from our kiss and hug him wrapping my arms around his waist. "Or else I can't help. How can I help if you don't tell me what's wrong? " He places a hand on my back and kisses the top of me head. Our thighs lightly brush against each others.

"It was Kenneth." I look up at him. He looks a bit agitated bringing it up, but he continues. "He kept talking shit about you. At first he insulted our relationship, but then on top of that he said he wanted to give you some sexual pleasure. He told me what he would do to you if he was your love. He told me that I don't really love you, that I'm a terrible boyfriend. And-"

"Shh, it's okay." By each word he said his voice raised more and more. "I love you and just you. I know you love me." I simply say. "It's as simple as that." I give him a smile and kiss him.

"God, I love you." I kiss him deeper. His hands slide down to my thighs. He rubs circles deeply in them.

"Mmm." I hum in pleasure. He slips his tongue in my mouth and our tongues collide. They wrestle for a bit. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him closer to me. "I love you too, Brian Warner." I say and giggle. He chuckles and we continue to kiss.

"Lets continue this in our room?" he asks as we pull away. I nod eagerly and he turns off the water. We wrap towels around our waist and hurriedly scamper to our room. We close the door and he pushes me up against the door. I wrap a leg around his waist. He places his hands on me waist, and we stare into each others eyes. "Now, where were we?" he asks in a seductive voice.

"Hm, I think I know." He reaches up beside me and dims the light. He leans in and we begin to kiss again.~

You know why happens after that haha -Twiggy Way

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