Chapter 18

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His hood fell away and Hazel couldn't breath. His eyes were so bright and intense the sea green color glowed under the stars, his hair was as dark and the sky above the and it fell into his eyes as wind rustled it softly. His jaw was strong and sharp with high cheekbone, he looked like what she imagined a god looking like.

She realized she was staring when a light blush dusted his cheeks. "Thats a... thats part of the reason I wear a hood."

"Vous etes magnifique." She said to herself not expecting him to understand the french, he clearly did when the blush deepened significantly. "Oh gods. Do you know french? I'm so sorry."

"I speak french, spanish, latin, mandarin, and multiple other languages throughout earth and the rest of the galaxy." Her jaw dropped.

"How? Why?" It was insanely distracting to see such a gorgeous man blushing this much.

"Diplomatic purposes. It's better I learn their customs when visiting their planet." She wanted to listen but she was more fascinated with the dark lashes that brushed his cheeks. She swore she heard him say he was in a relationship earlier, that women but look like a goddess to have him even look her way. Why was he even talking to her?

" you were going to talk about you past weren't you. Sorry." He smiled softly at her, she honestly didn't understand this man. Not one bit.

"You asked if I had a history in California?" She nodded. "Well none of it will make sense if I don't tell you my story." Percy couldn't believe he was about to tell her this, tell her almost everything. But he was and for once he wasn't scared.

He took a deep breath. "My name is Percy Jackson..."

He told her his story, how he was a demigod son of Poseidon who just had shitty luck all throughout his life. She listened raptly which honestly scared him a little, he wasn't that interesting.

"California...two of my friends, hunters of Artemis were killed on a quest to save my ex girlfriend who had been captured by titans. I've got an old friend on the mountain I would gladly beat the shit out of for what he did to her."

"Who was she? Or them." It was the first time she had spoke during his retelling of his first two quests.

"The first one was a daughter of Hades, Nico's full blooded sister, her name was Bianca and she had only become a hunter a couple days before the quest. She shouldn't have died, I should have taken her place but she was too stubborn." He turned his eyes up to the stars trying to count them even though he never could.

"And... the other? You don't have to tell me if you don't want of course." With his eyes still gazing towards the heavens he spoke again.

"Zoë Nightshade. Daughter of Atlas." He could practically feel the look she gave him. "She was the one who helped Hercules steal the golden Apple, she betrayed her family for him and he left her." The venom was creeping into his voice but he did nothing to stop it, he knew he couldn't. "She gave him his sword, which is now mine." He took out Riptide and uncapped it. "I tried to give it back but she said it was with a true hero while I had it. She was wrong." Hazel rolled her eyes and he fought the urge to smile. "The prophecy said one of us would be killed by our parents hand. With a daughter of Zeus, a daughter of Hades, a daughter of Atlas, and a son of Poseidon. I could have been anyone honestly, even Phoebe who is a daughter or Ares. Zoë was bit by Ladon." Hazel gasped.

"And she fought a titan after that?" Her voice was barely more than a whisper but high pitched with shock.

"She fought her father with Artemis while I held the sky and Thalia fought Luke."

"You held the sky! How old were you!" She demanded standing quickly and he laughed before he could answer and she returned to sitting on the grass.

"I was thirteen but Artemis needed to be fighting with her Lieutenant and Phoebe so I had to take it. It hurts like Hades never try it." A small smile graced her face and a match one found its way onto his. "I want to hurt Atlas for what he did, for the pain he put my girl-" He choked on his words when stopping them that quickly and Hazel gave him a weird look. He had almost called Artemis his girlfriend, which she most certainly was not. His girlfriend was named Emm and she was back at camp half-blood preparing for war so they could go back to shining city together. Artemis and the hunters, they weren't in the picture anymore. That was over.

"Are you ok,...Percy?" He nodded and took a deep breath continuing his story. He explain the labyrinth and the Titan war, Annabeth betraying him and his time with the hunters. He left it as he was there to give him a reason to live and they were cold and he was cold back. He couldn't bring himself to tell her about all the amazing moment he had shared with his sisters. How much he missed it. He told her of his adventures in the Shining City, leaving out all the dark and awful stuff of course. How he was here, why he was here. He didn't tell her the future, the fates and their mother would have a fit, which he didn't want to deal with right now.

"That'" She shook her head in disbelief. "How did you keep going through all of that?" He was a little thrown off by the question but when he thought about her past he didn't blame her.

"I've met some really amazing people along the way and made memories I wouldn't trade for the world." He stood. "You should sleep, we both should. We will need it."

"One more question." One more? That's it? He was surprised but nodded. "How is Zoë still alive?"

"How did you know." He demanded.

"The way you talk about her, it would be much worse if she was dead but she's not I can tell."

"You will never breathe a word of this conversation to anybody no matter what they say. You swore and I will hold you to that till your dying breath." His voice had gone cold and harsh so she just nodded before he flashed them both in the sleeping quarters then shoved her away roughly and went to sleep.

Hazel kept giving him pitying looks the while they got ready for the quest. Frank kept glancing between them, since Hazel was staring at him yet again even with his good up. Can could practically taste the jealousy radiating off Frank, what a great way to spend a quest. Third wheeling. He was considering jumping into the sea, then he remembered that wouldn't kill him.

He audibly groaned and Hazel and Franks heads both jerked up from where they were quietly discussing the plan for he quest since they were leaving now.

"What?" Frank spoke and crosses his arms. "What now oh-great-primordial." Hazel kicked him in the shin.

"Just going down the list of ways to kill myself and remembering none of them will work." With that he started walking, he could flash them. He could honestly flash them to Alaska but Chaos said no. He had to do this the mortal way.


A.N. sorry this is short i didn't really know how to continue this, also sorry for the french if its inaccurate or something. i used google translate cause i learned nothing when i took french for a year 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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