Hot and Heavy Bar Meeting

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(Toni's POV)

I don't know why but this whole week I have had the urge to drink away my problems. It's not like i'm an over drinker, although I do drink every once in a while but this time things feel different.

All the weight heaped onto my shoulder because of numerous things like school and that girl who I am unable get my mind off of.

She seems different from most people I've met at school, although I know most people despise her because of her "bitchy attitude." But, I admire every about her from rosy red cheeks to her gorgeous ginger locks.

The thought of getting close to her awes me in more ways than one. I HATE EMOTIONS how can I fall for someone who barely even acknowledges my existence? If that isn't the saddest thing you've heard all week I don't know what is *Literally.*

Anywho I need to stop moping around and make my way to the local bar so I can drown out my sorrows in pints of liquor.  And no one, I mean NO ONE can stop me.

~Arriving at the bar~

As I entered the bar I felt a sense of relief, like all the things in my mind could be forgotten for just, One. Friday. Night.

Until my eyes locked hers...

Cheryl Blossom.

Riverdales very own mean girl right in front of my eyes, and to my surprise she was smiling straight at me and gesturing for me come and take a seat next to her.

So that is what I did, I made my way towards her and sat in the seat besides her. "Hey, so what brings you her?" Cheryl said in her iconic "mean girl" voice.

"Drop the act, I know you have a heart and I know you have emotions so don't try cover them up because they're beautiful." I couldn't believe I had uttered those words, I had said exactly what was on my mind.

"It's hard to do that when all you have been taught your entire life is that you should build your walls high enough. So no one will be able to know who you really are, therefore they'll be unable to hurt you if you put up a strong front."

I was at a loss for words I knew there was something different about Cheryl I just couldn't place my finger on it.

"Don't EVER think you are alone in anything you hear me?" I said while joining Cheryl's hand in mine as I watching her nod vigorously and give me a genuine but shy smile.

"If I'm being completely honest I know what it's like to feel like you have to set walls to stop everyone else from getting in because of the urge to make yourself seem emotionless or emotionally stable."

Cheryl didn't say a word she just stared straight into my eyes and gave me a mysterious smirk, which I found it almost impossible to read the message behind.

"So back to the question I asked you earlier why are you here?"  Cheryl asked while wiggling her eyebrows and shifting her body closer to mine.  As she made sure to never lose grip of my hand.

"Well I guess I just had a shitty week and needed an escape." I said without filtering the words I used.

"Would you like me to show you another escape?" Cheryl said in a seductive manner while stroking one of her hands on my leg underneath the bar table making sure her other hand was still joint to mine.

"Sure." I said with a reassuring smile although I couldn't tell what Cheryl had planned for me. But all I knew was I couldn't resist her at this moment of time.

"Let's get out of here." She said dragging me towards the exit.

"Where are we going?" I asked because of the fear I have of not knowing things.

Choni Lemons (Girl x Girl)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα