My Sweet Stalker

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Terra's POV

"Terra..WAKE UP!" my annoying six-year old brother Jace said or shouted.

"Ok,ok." I mumbled getting up and out of my comfy bed.

Well this is how normally my day starts off with my brother waking me up for school, I know usually your mom or your alarm clock wakes you up but my brother has this annoying voice and that wakes me up, I know weird.

I grabbed my towel and went to take a shower, washing my sleepiness away I quickly got dressed and put some mascara and eyeliner on.

*Beep,Beep* my phone beeped meaning I got a text message

I quickly went and checked my phone.

Sophia Myers

"r u ready yet I'm coming in 10 minutes."

Terra West

"yea, I'm ready."

I looked at the time 7:45 oh gosh! It's late and sophia is my best friend since kindergarten.

I grapped my backpack and purse and ran down the stairs. I quickly got some milk and cereal and ate it. My mom was busy getting my little brother ready.

"Do you need me to drop you off." my mom asked while tieing my little bros shoe.

"Umm no I'm good sophia is picking me up."I replied with some cereal in my mouth

A car honked outside. "Oh that must be Sophia, Bye mom!."I said as I ran out the front door.

As I was about to get in I felt someone staring at me.I turned around but saw no one.

"Get in, we are about to get late." Sophia said

"Oh ok." I said as I got in.Sophia quickly backed up and drove off.I looked in the mirror and saw a person come out behind a tree and saw the person just stand there and watch us go away.Wierd....

We hurried in and looked at the time 8:05. "Gotta go bye." sophia said and I nodded as I headed to my class which was math with Mr.Blaid. You see in this High School classes start at 8:10 and I'm in 11th grade.

 I quickly got to my class and jumped into the first open seat I saw, you see I don't like causing attention to myself.As I scanned the room I saw almost everybody was here but the teacher was missing.

I got all my supplies out and got ready for class.

"Good morning class." Mr.Blade said as he walked through the door.

"Good morning." the nice and polite kids in the class replied, including me.

As he talked on and on and finally gave us our assignment which I quickly finished, I had a feeling someone was staring at me, once again in the same day I turned around.I tried looking for someone suspicious but everyone was still working on their work.

I was confused whats going on..maybe I was being paranoid..

Then all of a sudden the bell rang snapping me out of my thoughts.I gathered my stuff and was headed out the door when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry.' we both said at the same time.I laughed and looked up and noticed it was a boy from my math class his name was... oh I forgot gosh I'm not good with names.

My Sweet StalkerWhere stories live. Discover now