Lily's got a plan~

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Austin: Lily!!

Lily: I'm in the kitchen!

Austin: How do you get a invite for a wedding to a different world?

Lily looked at Austin like he had two heads.

Lily: Why do you ask?

Austin: I want to send invite to Jack's parents but! They are in a different world! Make sense?

Lily smiled.

Lily: If would make more sense if you put a little logic into it!

Austin sighed.

Austin: Here we go!

Lily: For one can't get into a different's impossible second....there are no other worlds!

Austin laughed flakily.

Austin: Not real! Yeah sure! How do you explain Jack's parents then!

Lily sighed.

Lily: then must of lied to him!

Austin looked annoyed.

Austin: Well....when I wash little I clearly remember there being a space him coming through a portal and Jack's dads coming to get him!

Lily smiled.

She looked teasing him about theses things.

Lily: I'm joking Austin....and if you want to get invitations to Jack's parents....I know who can help!

Austin: Who?

Lily: Come with me!

They walked around town.

Lily then went into a shop.

Shinra: Lily! It's good to see you again!

Lily: Nice to you again to Shinra!

Shinra: And who might this be?

Lily: This is my little brother Austin!

Ceity: Shinra? Oh Lily! I wasn't expecting you here!

Lily: Hey Ceity!

Shinra: So...Why brings you here?

Lily: You tell them Austin!

Austin: Well....I really want to send invites to my friends parents....can you help me!

Shinra: of course we can!

Ceity: Who is your friend?

Austin: Jack....

Shinra's and Ceity's mouth dropped.

(Yes Ceity has a head!)

Shinra: Jack?

Austin nodded.

Shinra: His here?

Lily and Austin looked at each other.

Austin: You know him?

Shinra: I knew his fathers....they risks their lives for him....when Damien came....Izaya and Shizuo fought to the end to protect him....

Lily: What happened after....

Shinra: Our world was lost....only a few survived....

Austin looked down.

Lily: Shinra...where is Jack's parents....

Shinra: knowing Izaya and Shinra....probably looking over Jack right now!

Austin: Huh?

Ceity: They have a base on one of the planets that they can watch over Jack....

Lily: So.....they always been watching over him...

Shinra: It wasn't just was all of us...

Austin: All of you?

Ceity: Erika, Mikado, Masaomi, Anri, Sasuke and Eren. They have also been watching over Jack.

Austin: Wait! Sasuke and Eren....Jack told me those names once before....

Ceity: They help Shizuo and Izaya....the four of them met long's quite a long story...

Ceity smiled.

Lily nodded.

Shinra: So.....I will send those invites right away.

Austin: Wait!! Umm....can you...send invites to the other guys won't be far if we just invite Izaya and Shizuo if you did such hard work guys are invited too!

Shinra and Ceity smiled.

Shinra: We will make sure to be there!

Austin smiled.

The Secrets: Chapter 3 Where stories live. Discover now