The talk....

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Jack and Austin walked to the beach.

They got into their bathing suits.

Austin: Hey Jack! Come in the water! It's nice and cool!

Jack shook his head.

Jack: No! I want to read my book!

Austin pouted and swam to the sand.

He walked over to Jack and sat next to him.

Austin: What's ya reading?

Jack smiled.

Jack: The Long Walk To Water!

Austin: Didn't we read that in school one year?

Jack nodded.

Jack: It was a great book!

Austin: Yeah! Hey...Jack? Can I ask you something?

Jack looked up him his book and looked at Austin.

Jack: Yeah...

Austin: Do you miss....your dads?

Jack looked down.

Jack: Sometimes....I haven't seen them in awhile....I wish the could be here for the wedding.... 

Suddenly.....Austin got an idea.....

Austin: I wish they could be too....

They hugged.

The Secrets: Chapter 3 Where stories live. Discover now