Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Shadows Chapter 2 Suprise

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My eyes widened a little at this last statement. "D-Darkrai? Wasn't he..." I was cut off by Fi when she threw her hand over my beak to silence me. When she lifted her hand, she put her finger on her lips to tell me to be quiet. She blew out the lonely candle that lit the cave and we were submerged into darkness. A loud static filled my ears as some unseen force seemed to pass over us. I lifted my wings to cover my ears to block out this noise, but it didn't work. As soon as it had begun the static stopped. I lifted my wings and looked up. Fi was re-lighting the candle. I stared at her "W-What was that?" She shook the match that she lit the candle with to eliminate the fire, then looked back up to me. "That was Darkrai's search. He's looking for rescue teams, He's trying attempting to cause world paralasys again." I looked at her, horrified. "He lures rescue teams here to eliminate them; so no one can interfere with his plans." I stood up nearly hitting my head on the low ceiling. I winced with pain at the sudden movement. I streched a little then started to walk out of the cave."What are you doing?!" Fi almost shouted. Without looking behing me, I replied "I need to find the rest of my team before they get found." and then I walked out. Fi ran in front of me "You can't! You're not strong enough! Let me go instead!" I looked at her for a few moments before swatting her out of the way with my wing, I ran a few feet then took off. 

I looked around the ground, looking for any sign of a Lapras, an Absol or an Umbreon. I flew around the beach a little bit before spotting a blue shape, Lapras, resting on the sandy beach. I flew a bit lower till I could land and I ran towrds the Lapras. "Tessie! Tessie!" Tessie slowly lifted her head and looked towrds me. Her eyes widened in a look of disbelif. "Chrome?" She said, hardly beleving her eyes. "Tessie!" I said when I finaly reached her. "Chrome! Oh I'm so glad you're alright. We thought we'd lost you! When you fell from the sky like that." I looked around looking for the rest of my team "Where is Tsu and Sai?" Her expression darkened slightly. "They went into the forest-" This last sentence was cut off, by a very familiar, scream.

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