Part 1

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"Quite a bit different from our battle during the sports festival huh Todoroki-kun?" Izuku chuckled as the boys took a small break from sparring. "Now that I can actually maintain a fight without breaking myself." He said with a small giggle.

Shoto nodded. "I'm just glad you don't hurt yourself anymore." He said as he wiped the sweat from his brow. The alley they were in was scorched and frozen from Shoto's quirk. Izuku could feel his muscles were becoming a bit weaker from fighting off the ice spears that had been propelled at him, so he was very thankful when Shoto suggested the two take a break.

"I'm so glad Shigaraki let me off the leash." A low, scratchy voice boomed from the end of the alley. The only real sources of light came from lamp posts outside of the alley so the boys only saw a silhouette of the person that the voice belonged to. The silhouette was tall and muscular with hair spiked into the same shape as the sun.

"Shigaraki?'re with the League of Villains?" Izuku said mainly to himself as he looked from the figure to Todoroki. Shoto was already in a ready position to fight off this perpetrator. There were scattered screams heard throughout the city that Izuku took notice of.

"I've been itching to take a crack at the famous Deku. Shigaraki really doesn't like you." The gruff voice commented with a dry laugh. "He didn't say anything about you though. What's your story half 'n half?" He said as he began to walk towards the pair of heroes.

"Who are you and how did you get here? This a secure facility." Shoto yelled back at the villain. "Right right. My bad I should probably introduce myself." He chuckled and walked into view. "My name is Flash Bang. You'll find out why soon enough." He said and cracked his knuckles.

"If this villain is here that must mean that there are more. Shoto you should probably go help the others, I know some people are probably really frightened right now. Besides this fight is between us." Izuku said as he nodded to Todoroki showing it was okay for him to leave. "Come on already! I'm getting bored!" Flash Bang yelled as he crossed his arms. Shoto frowned slightly but finally complied after the villain yelled.

"Be safe." He said and patted Izuku on the shoulder before running in the direction of screams. "Finally time for some fun." The villain said as he stretched his arms. He pulled down the goggles that were resting on top of his head and smiled. Without giving Izuku time to prepare himself, Flash Bang turned his back to Deku and held out his hands to the lamp posts. The lights began to dim as he absorbed the light into his palms.

Izuku blinked a few times, trying to assess the situation. "Gotta charge up." The villain said as he turned around to face Deku again. The alley was suddenly very dark and Izuku had to squint to be able to see the villain at the other end of the alley. He composed himself and was ready for the fight.

Flash Bang balled a fist and lunged at Izuku but the hero was prepared. Deku quickly blocked the punch with his arm. He managed to stop some of the force and use it to his advantage. He moved to the side slightly and grabbed the villain's arm, flipping him to the ground. Flash Bang's breath left his lungs with an oof.

"Not bad for a little boy." He said with a dry laugh before he kicked Deku between the legs. The hero released his grip and stumbled backward. It took him a moment to regain his composure before being punched hard in the stomach. "Come on! I thought the mighty Deku had more power than this!" The villain taunted as Deku dropped to his knees.

In any other instance he probability would have had more fight in him, but he was exhausted from sparring with Shoto. Izuku looked up at the villain just as Flash Bang kneed Deku in the chin. The young hero tasted blood. "Get up already! I won't be satisfied until you fight back!" He taunted again as he took a few steps, allowing Deku the time to get up.

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