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The first topic I want to discuss is marriage.
One decision, one 'yes' word, one moment and you enter a new life. You actually make a new family, new faces. What can be more dangerous than that?

Marriage is supposed to be about love and love is based on wills and decisions made by people. You meet someone, fall in love and that's when you decide to marry. I belive it works that way. Society has a different opinion. It LOLed at us when it forced people - specially females- to get married before a certain age. It changed the total idea, people don't get married because they want to as much as they do because they 'have to'.
All girls care about is being brides before hitting the thirties and believe me it's not for health at all, it's for the soceity. I know that most things we do is framed, judged and forced by the soceity but we're talking about one of the major events in everybody's life.

All girls worry about is what people would think if she doesn't get married by a certain time.
The problem isn't about the way a particular woman thinks, the roots of the problem should be chopped off.

Sadly, this problem hinders the achievements of women in Middle East, because her family always pops out with things like "But you haven't got married yet" and blah blah blah. It's like any other goals don't count and even if they do, marriage comes first.
I can't belive we're in 2018 and this hasn't come to an end. I thank god that some families don't think that way, some elder individuals are broad-minded enough to stop magnifying this subject.

If families changed their way of thinking, girls won't feel the pressure. If they do, girls won't over think it. Some girls go through deprssion , some girls feel afraid! C'mon!! it's not a duty.

I don't want to be a part of this corrupted soceity, I don't want to live in the shade of your traditions. If a girl decides to marry no matter what her age is- young or old- then it's okay, it should be. We are not obliged to follow the rules you created!!

This is a message from a girl in the Middle East...
If you can't change it, write about it...

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