Neighbors (Peter Parker)

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Y/n's pov.

I heard someone banging on my window. I got up from my bed and opened my curtains to see my sweaty best friend crouched on my fire escape. "Peter! What the hell are you doing?" He looked scared, "I locked my window and I can't get in the house without May hearing me. Please y/n, I need help."

"Fine", I moved my nightstand that was hiding a hole in the wall that connected my room to Peter's. "Thanks, you're a life saver", he crawled through and I poked my head in, "You owe me Parker!"

"I know, I know."

Next day

"Peter!! WAKE UP! We're gonna be late for school!", I yelled through the wall. I walked to the door grabbing a pop tart off the counter. Peter walked in, "Ready?"

"Yup, let's go."

We raced to school. Michelle and Ned were waiting at our lockers. Michelle gave me a look, "Sup losers. Dang Peter, how late did you stay up, you look horrible."

"Wow, thanks MJ."

"No problem". I walked with her to first period, Peter and Ned following. We all were forced to listen to Flash drone on about how he would become the best Student Body President this school has ever seen. Michelle kept drawing pictures of me under her desk, showing me how tired I looked. I looked back at Peter, flashing him a smile. I've liked him for a while now but I could never tell him, it would ruin our friendship. I turned back around and stared at the clock till class was over. The day seemed to go on forever until the bell rang and Peter and I started to walk home. I looked over at Peter, staring at the ground in front of him.


Still looking down he replied, "What?"

"Are you okay?"

"You know what, I think I'm gonna stop at Delmar's. You keep walking, I'll knock on the wall when get there."


That was weird. I turned around to see him fast-walking back to the shop. I saw him use his sleeve to wipe under his eye. Was he crying?

I got back to my apartment that I shared with my mom. "Mom?!"
No one answered, she must still be at work. I walked to my room, dropping my backpack on the floor and flopping back onto my bed. I heard keys jangling and a few seconds later a knock. Peter was home.

"Hey, Pete!", I always try to stay happy for him because of the stress he's under from being Spiderman.

"Hey.", his voice cracked and I heard him sniffle.

I put my ear up to the wall and hear him sit on his bed which was back to back to mine on the other side.


"Y/n, just shut up!", his voice cracked again.

I leaned against the wall knowing Peter was doing the same. I felt a tear fall down my left cheek.

"Y/n? I'm sorry.", he knew I struggled with depression.

"It's okay, Pete."

"I'm just so sick of everything! May is gone all the time, working overtime who knows where, just so I can have dinner tonight! Mr. Stark is pissed at me for messing up a mission! Ned won't stop asking questions about being Spiderman. MJ keeps commenting on me being sad in class. The Vulture is out there somewhere and I can't stop him. I just need everything to stop. Please."

I moved my dresser and crawled through the wall. It was dark in Peter's room except for his lamp which let me see his tear-streaked face. I climbed in next to him, pulling him close. He rested his head on my chest, crying.

" I'm sorry I haven't helped you lately. I hear you crying at night but I'm too scared to say anything.", he let out in between sobs.

"It's okay. I'll always love you Spidey.", I can't believe I just said that.

"I love you too, y/n."

I could feel the warmth of his body comforting me. I played with the curls in his hair until we both fell asleep.

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