Chapter 2 - In the cinema

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And just as i was being escorted into the cinema with Bonnie Wright(Ginny Weasley), it happened. There it was, i met a pair of  beautiful eyes, perfect dimples and luscious hair. My first glance with Harry Styles.


Once in the cinema, I looked around me for Bonnie, I couldn't find her. It was actually quite crowded and I couldn't see anyone I had come with. I sort of just wandered around the room, not really paying attention as to where I was going.

"Amelia!!!" someone yelled. I looked behind me and saw Emma waving towards me, Bonnie seated next to her. I walked over and sat down.

"He was staring at you." Bonnie said very seriously. Emma looked at me too. They both seemed very concentrated on whatever they were on about.

"What? Who?" 

"The cute guy. I always forget his name though..." Bonnie said tapping her chin in a very thoughtful way. Since Emma didn't seem to know either, I sat back and thought about what they were on about. I was curious. The noise in the room was starting to die down a bit since the film seemed to be almost starting.

"HARRY! THAT'S IT!!" Bonnie yelled rather loudly, attracting attention from many people. Including him himself, Harry. Great.

"Bonnie!" I whisper-shouted. "He's looking now, everyone's looking now! You need to shush."

"Sorry, but I just remembered quite randomly, not even thinking of it all, and I needed to tell you before I had forgotten again. His name's Harry, and he was staring at you when you were walking in with me, I saw him when I was looking for Em." She gushed to me. I felt like a couple of little school girls talking about their crush in grade school.

"Oh im quite sure he was looking at you, with your beauty and such. That's why he's looking at you right now." School girls.

"no no no, he's looking at you!! He--"

"Shut Up! I'm trying to watch. Everyone's trying to watch and you two are never quiet." Emma whispered. Since she was in the middle and all.

"Sorry." Bonnie said sarcastically, obviously not sorry at all.


At the end of the movie, everyone, of course, clapped, and the lights came on and people began to get up and shake hands and hug and say their good-byes to people and file out the door. To be Honest, I, myself, had not been able to concentrate at all, what with Bonnie's silly talk about this boy staring at me. He was sat in front of us, down a couple rows and I couldn't help but look to him {{or his hair, rather}} many times through out the movie. He was cute, he really was, when we locked eyes for that split second {{supposedly when he was staring at me}} I, of course, saw his eyes, those gorgeous eyes. I'd never really thought much of him and his band, One way, or One direction, or something along those lines, and I really hadn't had a very serious relationship what with my acting career, and this movie of course, so I really never looked at guys in such a way. Ruining this trance of thought I was in, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

Those Eyes.

"Hello." He said, with a big smile.

He's got dimples.

"Hi." I said rather quiet, and not as confident as I should or could of been. There was sort of an awkward pause right about now. I usually am not one to let that happen, I'm quite the chatty type. Why was I being this way?


 Hey guys!!(: So as i'm editing this I'm trying to watch the opening ceremony of the olympics lol because im in the usa and it comes out late haha :p So I really hope you guys like this chapter and as of right now the first chapter isn't even out yet so you'll be reading this late but oh well xD anyways  guys I really REALLY hope you like this!! Please comment and leave your opinions this is our first fanfic, and vote and fan and do whatever you lovely people do:) Thanks So much everyone! ~~Rebecca&Illyana:)xx

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