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The Cole's were currently spending the weekend in there fathers family home in Buffalo,Ny. They wanted to get away to figure out everything, everything that was going on with Zara. See, Nathan had been dreading on saying anything for awhile but knew he must for his daughters sake. 

Both of his daughters were born with complex powers, that adapt, multiply and ultimately grow stronger each day that will consume them in the long run. Nathan, had never told his daughters the true cause of there mothers death, because he couldn't believe that the earth could do this to someone so pure and loving. He knew his daughters fates, and couldn't bear to tell them- but he didn't know how much longer they had.

Imani panted as they reached the nice house on the nice street in the nice neighborhood. Zara laughed at the girl, which Nathan proceeded to join his eldest. 

"Love you too guys." Imani muttered before walking into the cool house.

"Hey, there's something I need to talk to you guys tonight. It's important." Nathan said nervously closing the front door. The two girls nodded as they jogged up to there bedrooms to shower.


The three of them sat down at the dinner table, with decaf and tea in hand. 

Nathan sighed and struggled to find the words he had rehearsed years before.

"What, dad?" Imani questioned.

"There is something I have been meaning to tell you both for quite sometime. And in doing so, I would tell you the real reason why your mother died." As he finished the sentance, the two girls looked at one another before nodding for him to continue.

"You two were born in the heart of Africa.(who knows) With that, comes great responsibility if contacted with the 'virus' that some people in your land call it. Those of you with it, have great potential yet a great downfall awaiting you. This virus are all different and unique. Your mother, grandmother, uncle- all different." he paused seeing there reactions.

"They were all different because your uncle can read minds, grandma can control some of earths elements, and your mother the most powerful of all. Was a key to the infinity stones." He paused looking down at his full cup.

"Infinity stone?" Zana questioned whilst looking between the two.

"The universe." Imani answered. She has overheard Mr.Stark one day talking to Happy- who she had become quite close with over her time so far at Stark Industries.

"Mom was one part or piece of them. A small sliver of it." She said looking at her dad.

"What are you telling us this for?" Zana continued questioning.

"You two were born with certain elements that we won't know until they make themselves known. These elements could be anything. I mean anything." Nathan paused for a second before continuing.

"Zana, do you have something to say?" He asked his eldest daughter.

Zana felt shocked, how the hell would she know anything?
"What do you mean?" She said putting a piece of hair behind her hair- nervously.

"It hasn't made itself known then." He said confused.

"The reason I ask is because, I have been sensing something off about you. Something I saw with a close friend son's of ours back in Africa." He paused taking in her skepticism. 

"You're a witch, Zana." 



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