Im backkkk

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Hey guys!
It's been a long, long time. I know, it's my fault and I apologize. I've been crazy busy, both mentally and physically.

Its been a long summer. I've had to deal with a lot and figure out a lot about myself. It sounds mushy but hey, it's true.

I still haven't seen my boyfriend in 3 months. And my friends and I are still a little rocky. And swim team is just getting harder. 

Thats how I knew, life doesn't just get easier. I mean yeah, you get through it, duh. But the world doesn't stop so that you can deal with your problems. And if you fall behind you kinda get swept off your feet and land on your butt. And God kinda just watches you until he decides you're strong enough, then he helps you back up.

So despite my life "problems" I'm doing really good. I'm really happy, the happiest I've been in 3 months. And I'm so fricking ready to start writing again. I can't promise it will be regular at first, but I'm going to try my best!

I'll be updating my poem book(purple poems), along with my murder mystery book(the Angelwood murders)! I really hope you check both of those books out! they're a little messy rn but I plan on tidying both of them up! Ahh I can't wait I'm so excited and inspired! 

See you guys soon!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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